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Authors:ID Mlakar, Martina (Author)
ID Klemenčič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Mlakar_Martina_2016.pdf (1,10 MB)
MD5: 52947F1840759EBEB845CCE8D336722C
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:POVZETEK Diplomsko delo New Deal s posebnim ozirom na Slovence v Združenih državah Amerike opisuje obdobje velike gospodarske krize,premike na notranjem političnem prizorišču ZDA, ukrepe demokratske zvezne vlade za rešitev krize in odziv dveh slovenskih izseljenskih časopisov v zvezi s tem. Prvi del naloge se posveti krajšemu opisu gospodarske krize, oz. depresije. Zanimalo me je, kako je krizo doživljal delavski in kmečki sloj, ter seveda posledice, ki so se kazale v demonstracijah proti množičnemu odpuščanju in vnemi velekapitala, da z zmanjševanjem mezd in delovnih mest ohrani svoj položaj. Seveda nisem mogla zaobiti velike politične spremembe, ki jo je s seboj prinesla gospodarska depresija. Dolgoletna vladavina republikancev se je sesula in kriza je na površje prinesla napredno misleče demokrate z za takratni čas naprednimi načrti gospodarske obnove. New Deal je s svojimi programi pomenil prelomnico v zgodovini ZDA. Nikoli prej še zvezna vlada ni prevzela nase odgovornosti za slab gospodarski položaj in v smeri tega tudi tako ukrepala. Resda je imel program New Deala tudi slabosti in dežela ni okrevala tako, kot si je želel njegov, ombudsman, predsednik Roosevelt in zagovorniki programa. A je vendarle prinesel zakone, na katerih so lahko naslednje generacije gradile naprej. Drugi del naloge je posvečen pregledu slovenskega izseljenskega tiska v ZDA v desetletnem obdobju. Prikaže odzive dveh časopisov različnih ideoloških usmeritev: liberalno-socialistične Prosvete in klerikalnega časnika Ameriški Slovenec. Prikazani so odzivi in primerjava le-teh v obeh časopisih na gospodarsko krizo in na ukrepe New Deala.  
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE: gospodarska kriza, New Deal, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, delavsko gibanje, Amerikanski Slovenec, Prosveta, slovenski izseljenci v ZDA
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Mlakar]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60640 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22552840 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.09.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis describes the impact of a great depression in USA and changes in domestic policy. It also shows the measures with wich the federal government tried to reduce dire consequences of great depression . The second part of the thesis represents how two of the mayor Slovene imigrant newspapers, American Slovene and Enlightment responded to various aspects of great depression and measures taken by federal government. First part of thesis is dedicated to a short description of economy crisis in USA focusing on working class and farmers. The consequeces of crisis showed in massive reduction of employment and eagerness of capitalists to keep their position by reducing wages and mentioned employment. Great depression brought about policy changes in USA. Reign of the Republican Party gave place to Democrats, eager to make significant progressive changes. These changes were named New Deal. The federal government took responsibility for a deteriorating economy seriously with direct government involvement in industry, farming, employment, social security and more. The New Deal programme wasnt as succesful as it was expected and as wished by his ombudsman, president Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Nevertheless it brought unprecented changes that enabled future generations a fundation to build forward. The great depression influenced all ethnic minoritres, including Slovenes. The thesis shows rewiew of two mayor Slovene newspapers
Keywords:Great depression, economy crisis, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, New Deal, Slovene immigrants in USA


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