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Authors:ID Martinović, Kristina (Author)
ID Stričević, Jadranka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Dolinšek, Jernej (Comentor)
ID Lahe, Milica (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Martinovic_Kristina_2016.pdf (1,40 MB)
MD5: A41DD7FF7152694491541F5FB5788D43
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Trideset odstotkov bolnikov s kronično vnetno črevesno boleznijo zboli že v otroštvu. Kronična vnetna črevesna bolezen je ena izmed najtežjih kroničnih bolezni v obdobju otroštva in adolescence, ki vpliva na kakovost življenja bolnikov. Zdravstvena vzgoja kroničnega pediatričnega bolnika je zelo pomembna, saj ga želimo usposobiti, da bo znal preprečevati povrnitev bolezni oz. z boleznijo kakovostno živeti. Zdravstvene vzgoje brez učnih sredstev ni oziroma je ne more biti. Z diplomskim delom smo želeli ustvariti učno sredstvo, didaktično igro, ki bo kot učilo otrokom, obolelim s kronično vnetno črevesno boleznijo, približala pomembne informacije o življenju z omenjeno boleznijo.Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, metodo analize in sinteze strokovne literature ter pri odgovorih na raziskovalna vprašanja metodo komparacije.Ključna ugotovitev je, da didaktične igre pozitivno vplivajo na učenje otroka. Skozi igro podano znanje je trajnejše in hitreje pridobljeno. S pomočjo didaktične igre se otrokom poveča delovna motivacija, aktivnost poslušanja in sodelovanja. Didaktično igro lahko uporabimo tudi pri zdravstveni vzgoji. Ugotovili smo, da spodbuja komunikacijo, omogoča lažje deljenje izkušenj tekmovalcev in na splošno jo otroci dobro sprejemajo. S strani strokovnjakov je pogosto svetovan učni pripomoček. Z gotovostjo lahko trdimo, da je igra osnovno delo otrokovega življenja. Skozi njo se otrok uči, razvija, prevzema različne vloge in krepi socialne veščine. Opažamo pa, da je njena raba v učnih procesih v času šolanja ali pri zdravstveni vzgoji majhna. Menimo, da bi bilo potrebno pogosteje podajati znanje s pomočjo iger.
Keywords:kronična vnetna črevesna bolezen, didaktična igra, zdravstvena vzgoja, otrok, izobraževanje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Martinović]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60265 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2226340 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.06.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:Thirty percent of patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease are suffering since childhood. IBD is one of the most difficult chronic diseases in childhood and adolescence with the impact on the quality of patient's life. Health education is very important for chronic pediatric patients. We want to train patients to be able to prevent disease complications and improve the quality of life. However we are not able to have health education without learning resources. In this graduation thesis we have wanted to create a teaching tool, didactic game, which would give relevant information to children suffering from IBD.The purpose of the graduation thesis has been to create a social educational board game. With that game we would like to educate children with IBD and their parents how to deal with mentioned disease.In this study we have used descriptive methodology, method of analysis of the literature as well as method of comparison.The main conclusion is that the didactic game has a positive impact on children's learning. Providing knowledge through the game makes it more sustainable. With the help of didactic game children increased work motivation, the activity of listening and cooperation. Didactic game can also be used in health education. We have found that using it in health education it promotes communication and makes it easier to share own experiences. Kids like learning through game. Experts often recommended game as a teaching tool.Surely we can say that game is the basic work of a child's life. Through the game he learns, develops, assumes different roles and enhances social skills. However we note their low use during learning processes or health education. We consider that didactic games can be used effectively to teach children with chronic diseases.
Keywords:inflammatory bowel disease, didactic game, health education, child, education.


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