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Authors:ID Welza, Darja (Author)
ID Lorber, Lučka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Welza_Darja_2016.pdf (5,65 MB)
MD5: 7ADA13F8C369D6A804E2470DFAEFD6F5
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Današnji tempo življenja vpliva na vedno večjo motorizacijo našega planeta in povzroča vedno večjo odvisnost ljudi od transporta. Vsak človek je v današnjem času vsakodnevno neposredno povezan s prometom: na poti v šolo, službo, po opravkih, na potovanjih ... Skratka, promet nas spremlja na vsakem koraku našega življenja in brez mobilnosti si skorajda ne moremo več predstavljati življenja v 21. stoletju. Geografske značilnosti, položaj, gospodarska in socialna struktura Maribora so tesno povezane s prometom. Maribor ima izjemen strateški geoprometni položaj, dobro prometno dostopnost in povezanost z drugimi kraji po Sloveniji in s sosednjimi državami; poleg tega leži na območju V. in X. Evropskega prometnega koridorja. Razmere v mestu močno pogojuje tudi mestni promet, ki pa ima še vedno številne pomanjkljivosti. Slabo je namreč urejen javni mestni promet, slabo je urejen mirujoči promet, ki predstavlja enega največjih problemov v mestu, saj povzroča vizualno degradacijo okolja in zaseda pomembne javne mestne površine, ki bi lahko bile namenjene drugim dejavnostim. Kot slabost mestnega prometa v Mariboru vidimo tudi nedoslednost in nezanimanje za uveljavitev trajnostnih oblik prometa v mestu – na primer pešačenje in kolesarjenje, ki nima zadostno urejenih površin v mestu, prav tako pa ni ustrezno poskrbljeno za prometno varnost kolesarjev in pešcev. Promet mestu povzroča tudi degradacijske probleme kot so onesnaževanje okolja, hrup in vizualna degradacija okolja. Rešitev v razbremenitvi mestnega jedra je v uvajanju trajnejših oblik prometa, kot je kolesarjenje in bolje urejen javni potniški promet (zlasti kombinacija avtobusnega prometa z železniškim).
Keywords:mestni promet, prometna dostopnost in povezanost, mobilnost, transport, javni potniški promet, trajnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Welza]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59805 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22497032 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.09.2016
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Abstract:Today’s pace of life is impacting an increasingly higher motorisation of our planet and causing greater dependence of people on mobility. Most of us in today’s times are every day directly connected with traffic: on the way to school, work, when running errands, travelling, ... In short, traffic follows us at every step of our lives and without mobility we can hardly imagine life in the 21st century. The geographical features, situation, economic and social structure of Maribor are closely connected with the development of traffic. Maribor has a favourable strategic geotraffic position, good traffic accessibility and connections with other places in Slovenia and neighbouring countries. In addition, it is situated in the area of the V. and X. European traffic corridor. The economic and social development in the city has had a strong influence on the development of the city traffic, which still has many weaknesses. Namely, the city’s public transport is poorly regulated, as well as stationary traffic, which is one of the biggest problems in the city, because it causes a visual degradation of the environment and occupies significant public urban areas, which could be intended for other activities. As another weakness of the urban traffic in Maribor we also notice inconsistency and lack of interest for the implementation of sustainable types of traffic in the city - such as walking and cycling, which lack sufficient designated areas around the city and at the same time traffic safety of cyclists and pedestrians is not provided adequately. The traffic is also causing degradation problems of the city, such as environmental pollution, noise and visual degradation of the environment. The solution to decongest the city centre is in introducing more sustainable types of traffic, such as cycling and better organisation of the public passenger transport.
Keywords:urban traffic, traffic accessibility and connection, mobility, transport, public passenger transport, sustainability


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