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Authors:ID Hribar, Simon (Author)
ID Leskovar, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Hribar_Simon_2016.pdf (757,80 KB)
MD5: 29ED1102D8690773A4AEE9F8C535DC17
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Diplomsko delo prikazuje postopek prenove in uvedbe celovite rešitve varnostnega kopiranja podatkov v podjetju, ki je iz mikro podjetja zraslo v malo podjetje, tehnologija izdelave varnostnih kopij pa rasti ni sledila. To je privedlo do težav pri izdelavi ustreznih varnostnih kopij. Zaradi neustrezne rešitve izdelave varnostnih kopij se je pojavila resna grožnja za podatke, ki so neprecenljivi za delovanje in obstoj podjetja. V diplomskem delu proučujemo vse korake od predpriprave do uvedbe rešitve, ki so bili potrebni za izdelavo arhitekture rešitve in izbiro strojne opreme, s katero smo rešitev podprli. Za programsko opremo za varnostno kopiranje podatkov smo izbrali IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM), s katero smo pokazali postopke od priprave strežnika TSM kot glavne komponente rešitve do konfiguracije, potrebne za delovanje TSM-jevih klientov, ki izvajajo operacije varnostnega kopiranja na sistemih. Prikazujemo pravila za pripravo politik varovanja podatkov na strežniku TSM, z razlago dejansko uporabljenih nastavitev v naši rešitvi za varnostno kopiranje vseh poglavitnih sistemov v podjetju. Z oddajo upravljanja rešitve zunanjemu izvajalcu je podjetju uspelo rešiti vse probleme z varnostnim kopiranjem brez dodatnih investicij v izobraževanje zaposlenih za upravljanje rešitve.
Keywords:Malo podjetje, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, varnostne kopije podatkov.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59794 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7630611 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.07.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:This research is showing workflow of renovation and implementation of complete data backup solution for company which has grown from micro to small company but technology of making backup copies didn’t follow this growth. This has led to problems of making adequate backup copies. Because of the improper data backup solution real threat was exposed for company data, which are priceless for work and existence of company. Through research we describe steps we had used before and after implementation of the solution, what represented the basis for designed architecture of the solution and choice of hardware, which supported it. We chose IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) software for our data protection, where we showed procedures from setting up TSM server, as key component, to configurations necessary for proper working of TSM clients, which are actually making operations on system included in data protection. We show rules to prepare data protection policies on TSM server, with explanation through real case settings we used in our solution for backup of all crucial systems in small company. With outsourcing of backup solution, small company managed to solve all data protection problems they had without additional investments in employee education to manage the solution.
Keywords:Small Company, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Data Protection.


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