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Authors:ID Vesel, Eva (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vesel_Eva_2016.pdf (206,04 KB)
MD5: 5CCCE49C968A010F16A45C9E31435A9E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Diplomska naloga Varstvo lastninske pravice pred imisijami povzema slovensko ureditev pravnega varstva ''mirnega'' medsosedskega bivanja. V začetnem delu sem na na kratko opredelila pojem posesti ter lastninske pravice, bolj podrobno pa institut sosedskega prava, imisije. Sosedsko pravo lahko opredelimo kot zbir pravnih pravil, ki urejajo razmerja med lastniki sosednjih nepremičnin. Pojem sosedstva ni več isti kot pred desetletji. Iz povedanega izhaja, da se je tekom let pojem razširil in ga ne interpretiramo več tako ozko (širjenje pojma ''lastnik neposredno meječe nepremičnine''). V diplomi sem se osredotočila predvsem na stvarnopravno in obligacijskopravno varstvo pred imisijami, temu pa sledi klasifikacija le teh. Izključitveno tožbo sem omenila le kot možnost, ki jo imajo na voljo etažni lastniki v stanovanjski zgradbi. Sodna praksa na tem področju je izjemnega pomena saj dopolnjuje pojme, ki v določbah niso izrecno definirani. V zaključnem delu naloge sem v sklepu na kratko povzela svoje ugotovitve.
Keywords:lastninska pravica, sosedsko pravo, imisije, stvarnopravno varstvo pred imisijami
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[E. Vesel]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59591 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5124139 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.07.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis Protection of property rights against immissions summarizes the Slovenian legislation justice '' peaceful '' neighbors' stay. In the initial part I briefly defined the concept of possession and property rights, and more specifically Institute of Neighborhood law, immissions (nuisances). Neighborhood law can be defined as a set of legal rules governing the relationship between the owners of adjacent real estate. In this concept of neighborhood law is no longer the same as decades ago. It follows that over the years the concept extended and can not be understood too narrowly (expansion of the concept of ’’owner directly adjoining property’’). In this thesis I focused mainly on rem and in personam Protection against nuisances, followed by classification thereof. Exclusion lawsuit I mentioned only as an option which have condominium owners in residential building. Jurisprudence in this area is of utmost importance because it complements the concepts that the provisions are not explicitly defined. In the final part of the thesis I concluded with resolution in which are stated my own cognitions.
Keywords:property right, neighborhood law, nuisance, nuisance protection in property law


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