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Title:Zagotavljanje zanesljivosti delovanja energetskega omrežja s poudarkom na aktivnih kompenzacijah
Authors:ID Mandelc, Darko (Author)
ID Milanovič, Miro (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pihler, Jože (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Mandelc_Darko_2016.pdf (4,85 MB)
MD5: A8754C2F63318025793C049BF56D2A1D
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Magistrsko delo opisuje stanje elektroenergetskega omrežja v podjetju, ki se ukvarja z jeklarsko industrijo. Problematika, elektroenergetskega omrežja so motnje, ki jih naprave vnašajo v sistem in zaradi tega močno motijo delovanje občutljivih in kompleksnih krmilnih sistemov, kar privede do mnogih nepotrebnih izpadov. Nadalje naprave z njihovim delovanjem slabšajo prenosne zmogljivosti prenosnih vodov, porabljajo veliko jalove energije, faktor delavnosti pa je zaradi tega slabši. Motnje ne samo močno vplivajo na zanesljivost delovanja elektroenergetskega sistema podjetja, marveč motijo celotno regijo, vplivajo na finančne kazalnike podjetja, ter ne nazadnje, če amplituda motenj ni sanirana ter v mejah tolerance, nas lahko distributer električne energije zaradi nedoseganja standardov finančno kaznuje. Magistrsko delo po logičnem zaporedju prikazuje, kako in s čim motnje kar se da v največji meri odpraviti. Za to je potrebna seveda v prvi vrsti intenzivna in natančna analiza razmer v elektroenergetskem sistemu podjetja, na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov pa poiskati rešitve, ki so tako tehnično kot tudi finančno sprejemljive za lastnika na eni strani ter distributerja na drugi strani. Raziskovalno delo torej poda tehnične rešitve, ki so na eni strani že dobro raziskane in uveljavljene, ter na drugi strani predstav novitete na področju energetskih omrežij tudi s stališča aktivnih kompenzacij.
Keywords:elektroenergetsko omrežje, kompenzacija jalove energije, harmonik, fliker, faktor delavnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Mandelc]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59427 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19697174 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.07.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
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Secondary language

Title:Reliability of Power distribution system with a focus on active compensation devices
Abstract:Master's thesis describes the state of the electricity grid in a company, which is engaged in the steel industry. The problem of the electricity grid are disturbances entered into the system by equipment and therefore greatly disturb peration of sensitive and complex control systems, which leads to many unnecessary blackouts and malfunctions. Furthermore, devices with their operations deteriorate transmission capacities of transmission lines, consume a lot of reactive power and the power factor is therefore worse. Disorders not only severely affect the reliability of the company's electricity system, but disturb the whole region, affect the financial indicators of the company, and last but not least, if the amplitude of the interferences cannot be rehabilitated and within the limits of tolerance, electricity distributor may impose financial penalties due to our failure of reaching the set standards. Master's thesis shows by a logical sequence how and what with can such disorders be largely eliminated. This requires, of course, first and foremost intensive and detailed analysis of the situation in the company's electricity system, and based on the results obtained, however, to find solutions that are both technically and financially acceptable to the owner on the one hand and to the distributor on the other. Research therefore proposes technical solutions that are on the one hand already well-researched and well-established, and on the other hand shows innovations in the field of energy networks and active compensators.
Keywords:electricity grid, reactive power compensation, harmonics, flicker, power factor


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