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Authors:ID Dobovičnik, Anja (Author)
ID Dežman, Zlatan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Dobovicnik_Anja_2016.pdf (671,14 KB)
MD5: 4AC186EF14BBD381013D336160CB0101
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Ukrep odvzema premoženja nezakonitega izvora v ZOPNI je instrument s katerim je razširjen domet odvzema tudi na področje pravdnega postopka. Edinstven je predvsem zato, ker je za uvedbo finančne preiskave potreben nižji dokazni standard. Dokazno breme pa nosi lastnik premoženja. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz več sklopov. Na samem začetku sem pojasnila razmejitve in vzporednice med civilnim in kazenskim odvzemom premoženja. Navedla sem razloge in spodbude za sprejem civilnega odvzema. Določila sem pravno naravo ukrepa in razčlenila potek pravdnega postopka za odvzem premoženja nezakonitega izvora. Opredelila sem možnosti začasnega zavarovanja in začasnega odvzema premoženja nezakonitega izvora za večjo učinkovitost odvzema. Prav tako me je zanimalo ali ukrep odvzema premoženja nezakonitega izvora posega v ustavne pravice.
Keywords:civilni odvzem premoženja nezakonitega izvora, Zakon o odvzemu premoženja nezakonitega izvora, ZOPNI, kriminal, faze civilnega postopka, pravna narava, začasno zavarovanje, začasen odvzem, ustavne pravice, retroaktivnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Dobovičnik]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59210 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5114923 New window
Publication date in DKUM:24.06.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:Measure of seizure of the assets of an illicit origin in the Assets of Illicit Origin Act is an instument that expanded the scope of seizure to the area of civil procedure. It's unique because the introduction of financial investigation requires lower standard of proff. The burden of proff falls upon the owner of assets. This thesis is composed of several sections. At the very beginning I explained distinctions and similarities between the civil and criminal seizure. I have indicated reasons and encouragements for applying the measure of civil seizure. I determine the legal nature of the measure and broke down the course of civil proceedings for the confiscation of property of illicit origin. I defined the possibilities of temporary insurance and temporary seizure of assets of illicit origin to increase the efficiency of seizure. I was also interested in whether seizure of assets of illegal origin infringes the constitutional rights.
Keywords:civil seizure of assets of an illicit origin, Forfeiture of Assets of Illegal Origin Act, ZOPNI, crime, stages of civil procedure, legal nature, temporary insurance the assets of illegal origin, temporary seizure, constituional rights, retroactivity


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