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Authors:ID Havoj, Andreja (Author)
ID Jurančič, Klementina Penelope (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bakračevič, Karin (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Havoj_Andreja_2016.pdf (690,10 KB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Znanstveniki so pri raziskovanju avtistične motnje prišli do kriterijev, na podlagi katerih lahko diagnosticiramo omenjeno motnjo. Avtorja Aarons in Gittens (1992) pravita, da če se otrokovo odklonsko obnašanje ujema z osmimi od devetih alinej za določanje avtistične motnje, še ne pomeni, da je otrok avtističen (Aarons in Gittens, 1992). V letih raziskovanj so mnogi prišli do podobnih ugotovitev. Pri ugotavljanju avtistične motnje smo se v naši raziskovalni nalogi ravnali po kriterijih Kannerja, ki ga je v svoji knjigi povzela avtorica dr. Ivona Milačić. Avtorica v svoji knjigi »Aspergerjev sindrom ali visoko funkcionalen avtizem« trdi, da je Kannerjeva raziskava temeljila na opazovanju enajstih otrok in njegova opažanja so ključna pri današnjem odkrivanju avtizma. Kannerjeva opažanja zajemajo devet stopenj in opisov. 1. Osamljenost – opažamo, da otrok uživa v osamljenosti in se nahaja v svojem svetu. Kanner pravi, da je osamljenost razvidna že v zgodnjih obdobjih razvoja. 2. Rutine – postanejo sestavni del otrokovega življenja na dnevni ravni. Že ena sama izključenost ene dnevne rutine lahko vodi v izbruh agresije. 3. Odličen mehanski spomin – na podlagi Kannerjevih zapisov dr. Milačić navaja, da so si otroci brez pomenske informacije zapomnili npr. pesmice v tujih jezikih, abecedo od konca do začetka. Pomnjenje takšnih nenavadnih informacij bi pri normalno razvijajočemu se otroku pomenili oviro. 4. Eholalia – nenehno ponavljanje določenih besed. Tukaj dr. Milačić navaja primere, kjer otroci pri komunikaciji navajajo besede, ki so neobičajne pri vsakdanji komunikaciji. 5. Občutljivost na dražljaje – v primerjavi z ostalimi otroci, so otroci s avtizmom občutljivi na različne dražljaje kot so zvok, hrana, barve, ipd. 6. Stereotipno gibanje bodisi določenih delov telesa npr. glave, prstov ali besedna rutina. 7. Odlični kognitivni potenciali – glede na Kannerjeve ugotovitve, v to kategorijo uvrščamo otroke z odličnim spominom za dogodke, npr. tiste otroke, ki si zapomnijo ali sestavijo kompleksno pesmico, uporabljajo slovnico višje ravni, kjer se vidi njihov primer izjemne inteligence 8. Odlično pomnjenje informacij na podlagi ponavljanja – veliko otrok z avtizmom kaže izjemno moč spomina 9. Normalen fizičen zunanji izgled (Aarons in Gittens, 1992). Dr. Lorna Wing in dr. Judith Gould (Wing in Gould, 1979) sta leta 1979 opravili raziskavo na področju epidemiološke raziskave otrok prebivalcev točno določenega kraja v Londonu. Njuna raziskava je zajemala tudi otroke z avtističnimi motnjami in gibalno ovirane otroke. Njun rezultat se je kazal v tem, da imajo otroci z avtistično motnjo okvaro socialne narave. Aarons in Gittens navajata, da sta znanstvenici ugotovili, da ključni problem leži v okvari družbene zveze, socialne komunikacije in družbenega razumevanja in domišljije. - Okvara družbene zveze se kaže v tem, da bo posameznik navezal družaben kontakt, vendar bo težje razumel pravila družbenega vedenja. - Otrok z avtistično motnjo se bo v družbeno komunikacijo vključil, ko bo sam želel, ampak v pogovoru mogoče ne bo sodeloval. - Okvare družbenega razumevanja in domišljije se kažejo v tem, da se otrok zaveda, da se nekaj dogaja v glavah drugi ljudi, vendar nikakor ne more razvozlati kaj točno nekdo predvideva (Wing in Gould, 1993). Dr. Alenka Vojska Kušar (Patterson, 2009) navaja, da lahko znotraj študije stotih primerov otrok z avtizmom, eden od njih kaže značilnosti avtistične motnje bolj ali manj izrazito. Avtizem po mnenju dr. Vojske Kušar predstavlja globalen družbeni problem. Nekoč, pred dvajsetimi leti, naj bi bilo razmerje otrok z avtizmom 1:1000. Po mnenju avtorice se je avtizem razširil za desetkrat. Če otrok kaže eno značilnost še ne pomeni, da govorimo o avtistični motnji.
Keywords:angleščina, pedagogika, avtizem, nizko funkcionalen avtizem, visoko funkcionalen avtizem, Aspergerjev sindrom, avtistične motnje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Havoj]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59139 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22287368 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.06.2016
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Abstract:People can strongly differentiate among each other. Characteristics which predominate with the majority of people are average, while extreme characteristics distance themselves from this particular average in two directions – on one hand towards explicitly expressed action and on the other hand toward increasingly weak one. The phenomenon called Asperger’s Syndrome was until recently an unknown term to many people. It got wide attention the late eighties, when the movie Rain Man with Dustin Hoffman in the main role was released. After the movie broadcast, the interest of the public in this phenomenon significantly increased. But if we look back and focus on heroes in other movies, we can also recognize some examples of high-functioning autism. An example of this type of behavior is remembering telephone numbers from the directory or counting cards in casinos. However, autistic people differentiate among each other also in a special way of thinking which leads to specific behavior and differentiation in physiological and cognitive areas. Today, it is hard to say how Autism differentiates from Asperger’s Syndrome, but differences do exist, so we can talk about two different groups of people with some resemblances prevailing across both groups. Language development starts when the child is born. At first the child starts with earliest vocal sounds like crying, cooing and gurgling and “babbling”. At around 24 months, the baby starts to pronounce words and connects them with what is seen. At 48 months old a child will reach the level of using basic language and vocabulary skills according to their experience (Pižorn Language Learning in Early Childhood et. at. 2013 quoted in Pižorn 1). As the child grows, his/her sequences of L1 develop (acquisition of grammatical morphemes, negation where he/she learns how to deny, disagree, refuse something; and acquisition of questions). In the years to follow, most children are able to produce and ask questions, give commands, report events in the real world and also tell stories in the imaginary one. In the following years they develop their metalinguistic awareness and development of vocabulary, construct complex sentences and structures. Language is a bridge that connects them socially with other people; it expresses their history of origin and functions as a tool for communication. (Pižorn 1-48). Bilingual individuals can function in two or more languages in bilingual communities at the same level as native speakers and they usually identify himself with both languages (Skutnabb-Kangas 90). Researches of second language (L2) acquisition are discovering that while the bilingual child is coping with the first language (L1), he/she is also benefiting from the development of the second language (Þráinsson 1). Bilingualism combines langauge proficiency, skills and socio-cultural environment. It is also the norm in many places in the world (Canada, India, border areas like Lendava). Many people believe that handling two or more languages at the same time is too much of a strain for the child's mind which is why parents sometimes sign their children to schools which are monolingual. However, it has been established that many students, who are exposed to the bilingual school system or environment, only benefit from bilingualism in the areas of learning, identity and inter-cultural understanding. When we observe children with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) or AS (Asperger's Syndrome) we often find a lack of comminication skills or some speech delay. Asperger's syndrom is by reasearchers considered a mild form of ASD. Autistic people may often have limited vocabulary or syntax, their intonation may have its own specific features, and they may even avoid any type of communication including eye contact.
Keywords:english language, pedagogics, autism, Asperger's sydrome, ASD.


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