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Title:Primerjava in analiza prevodov jedilnih listov hotelskih restavracij
Authors:ID Orešković, Tea (Author)
ID Kučiš, Vlasta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Plemenitaš, Katja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Oreskovic_Tea_2016.pdf (1,48 MB)
MD5: AFAB97D366AEEE3E8B8F4879A70E13C7
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Prevajanje je disciplina, ki zahteva znanje, spretnost, iznajdljivost in potrpljenje. Je zahteven proces, ki je velikokrat predmet podcenjevanja, saj so ljudje prepričani, da je lahko vsak, ki neki jezik pozna, torej ga razume, govori in bere, tudi prevajalec. Vendar temu ni tako. Prevajalec mora biti vešč ne samo nekega jezika, ampak tudi kulture tega jezika. In kako boljše spoznati določeno kulturo kot s hrano? Hrana je namreč pomemben del opredeljevanja identitete, saj je neposreden odraz naše kulture. Z globalizacijo in z njo povezano blagovno ter kulturno izmenjavo smo pridobili, oziroma smo si »sposodili« poimenovanja priljubljenih jedi, ki so že prešla v vsakodnevno rabo (pica, tortilja, kebab). Druga poimenovanja ostajajo v svoji nespremenjeni obliki, kot je na primer espuma (to je pena, ki je pripravljena s pomočjo sifona) in jih je treba za lažje razumevanje dopolniti z razlago ali opisom. V diplomski nalogi sem se zato posvetila analizi prevodov jedilnih listov hotelskih restavracij, ki so eden večjih seznamov domačih kot tujih specialitet. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti najpogosteje uporabljene prevajalske postopke v procesu prevajanja jedilnih listov, določiti njihovo ustreznost in podati morebitne rešitve ali spremembe, kjer bi bile potrebne.
Keywords:prevajanje, jedilni list, kultura, kulturni izrazi, ciljni jezik, izvirni jezik, prevajalski postopek, dobesedni prevod, prenos
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Orešković]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59087 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22251272 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.06.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:Translation is a discipline which requires knowledge, skill, inventiveness and patience. It is a difficult process which is often grossly underestimated, as people are convinced that anyone who knows how to speak a language is also fit to be a translator. Nothing could be further from the truth. A translator must not only be familiar with a language, but also of its culture. How better to get acquainted with another culture than through its food? Food is an important part in defining identity. It is a reflection of our culture. Globalization contributed to a vaster trade and cultural exchange. Through it we have “borrowed” some popular food names which are already being used on a regular basis (pizza, tortilla, and kebab). Other names however, are still used in their original form such as the term espuma (espuma is the term for foam, and one that is created specifically with the use of a siphon bottle). These lesser known names need to add an explanation or description in order to be understood. This graduation thesis therefore focuses on the analysis of hotel menu translations, which contain a large vocabulary of expressions referring to local and foreign cuisine. The purpose of the thesis is to identify the translation strategies which are most commonly used in translating menus, determine whether they are appropriate and to provide possible solutions or substitutions where they might be required.
Keywords:translation, menu, culture, cultural terms, target language, source language, translation strategy, literal translation, borrowing


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