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Authors:ID Deželak, Tea (Author)
ID Rus, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Dezelak_Tea_2016.pdf (1,12 MB)
MD5: 62D66EBA99E673EDBAD08176A2AFA45F
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Družinska podjetja predstavljajo pomemben delež v gospodarstvu. Zaradi vse večjega števila te vrste podjetništva, so družinska podjetja predmet številnih raziskav. V Sloveniji so se raziskave družinskih podjetji začele izvajati v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. V Evropi, razen v nekaterih državah, ne obstaja definicija družinskega podjetja, ki bi bila pravno opredeljena. Mnogi avtorji so podali različne kriterije za opredelitev družinskega podjetja, ki jih povzemamo v delu. Da bi družinska podjetja še povečevala svoj delež v gospodarstvu je potrebno v poslovanje vpeljati podjetniške aktivnosti, ki pozitivno vplivajo na poslovanje. Mnogi raziskovalci so mnenja, da finančni pokazatelji niso več merilo za presojanje uspešnosti podjetja, zato se vse bolj vključujejo v raziskave nefinančna merila. Uspešnost podjetja lahko merimo z podjetniško usmerjenostjo na podlagi dimenzij inovativnost, proaktivnost, prevzemanje tveganja. Kasneje pa sta bili dodani še dve dimenzije in sicer, ofenzivna konkurenčna sposobnost in avtonomija. Dimenzije podjetniške usmerjenosti v povezavi z družinskim podjetju smo opredelili v teoretičnem delu, v katerega smo vključili tudi pojem družinsko podjetje in podjetništvo. Podjetniško usmerjenost smo analizirali na izbranem družinskem podjetju.
Keywords:družinsko podjetje, inovativnost, tveganje, proaktivnost, ofenzivno konkurenčno delovanje, avtonomija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Deželak]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59058 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12560668 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Businesses
Abstract:Family businesses represent a significant share of the economy. Due to the increasing number of these types of entrepreneurship, family businesses are the subject of numerous studies. In Slovenia, research family business started in the nineties. In Europe, except in some countries, there is no definition of the family business, which would be legally defined. Many authors have provided different criteria for the definition of family business, which are summarized in Part. To family businesses continue to increase their share in the economy is necessary to introduce entrepreneurial business activities that have a positive impact on the business. Many researchers are of the opinion that the financial indicators are no longer a criterion for assessing company performance, and therefore are increasingly involved in the research non-financial criteria. The success of the company can be measured by entrepreneurial orientation on the basis of the dimensions of innovation, proactive, risk-taking. Later, however, they have been added two dimensions, namely, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy. The dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation in relation to the family business was defined in the theoretical part, which also includes the concept of a family business and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial orientation were analyzed for selected family business.
Keywords:family business, innovation, risk-taking, proactive, competitive aggressiveness, autonomy


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