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Title:Sistem indikatorjev za vrednotenje učinkov velikega mednarodnega športnega dogodka na trajnostni razvoj
Authors:ID Kolarič, Borut (Author)
ID Korez Vide, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kolaric_Borut_2016.pdf (2,67 MB)
MD5: 3D643D757514C87321D36050D2BDF79C
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Pričujoče magistrsko delo je ena izmed mnogih raziskav velikih mednarodnih športnih dogodkov, ki predstavlja pogled v dogodek skozi vpliv, ki ga ima na trajnostni razvoj. Obseg takega dogodka je nemogoče zajeti v enem delu, hkrati pa je to razvijajoč sistem, ki se prilagaja okolju in času. Razvoj velikih mednarodnih športnih dogodkov se postavlja v okvir učinkov gospodarske, družbene in okoljevarstvene dimenzije trajnostnega razvoja, kateri so ti učinki, kakšen je obseg teh učinkov in kako jih meriti ter primerjati, pa je osnovno vprašanje našega magistrskega dela. Vsaka dimenzija trajnostnega razvoja ima namreč svoje značilnosti, svojo merilno dimenzijo, svoj specifičen vpliv in ne nazadnje položaj v določenem odnosu do drugih dimenzij, zaradi česar so dimenzije med seboj enake in hkrati različne. Ko jih označimo za enake, jih pri tem skušamo postaviti na skupni imenovalec in opredeliti njihove odnose, različne pa jih vidimo zaradi svoje prvinskosti in unikuma. V magistrskem delu smo zajeli določena poglavja športa in športnih dogodkov, opredelili veliki mednarodni športni dogodek, ga opisali in izpostavili njegove bistvene značilnosti. V nadaljevanju smo opredelili trajnostni razvoj in ga aplicirali na upravljanje velikega mednarodnega športnega dogodka. Do tega dela smo predstavili obsežnost in zapletenost takih dogodkov, nato pa konkretneje izpostavili predmet naše raziskave in sicer indikatorje ter učinke, ki jih taki dogodki imajo za mesto, regijo in lokalno prebivalstvo. Na podlagi obstoječe literature smo povzeli dosedanja spoznanja in postavili okvir za naš empirični del. S pomočjo sekundarnih podatkov smo prišli do rezultatov, z ustreznimi metodami dela pa do zaključkov, kakšen naj bi bil veliki mednarodni športni dogodek v smislu trajnostnega razvoja. V nadaljevanju smo podali nekaj spoznanj ter priporočil za nadaljnje raziskave in prihodnje organizatorje velikih mednarodnih športnih dogodkov. Temeljna ugotovitev je, da so veliki mednarodni športni dogodki globalni, v določeni meri nepredvidljivi, za nekatere skupine bolj, spet druge manj pozitivni, vendar omogočajo kreiranje koristi, ki so dobre za celotno družbo. Spoznanje temelji na tem, da trajnostni razvoj ni nekaj avtomatičnega, naključnega in nenačrtovanega. Ravno nasprotno, že od same ideje ga je treba vpeljati v sam koncept velikega mednarodnega športnega dogodka. Trajnostni razvoj velikega mednarodnega športnega dogodka mora biti uravnan s sedanjostjo in s pogledom v prihodnost na gospodarskem, družbenem in okoljevarstvenem področju. Le takšna celovitost lahko vodi v harmoničen trajnostni razvoj in kakovostno življenje ne le za kraj dogodka, temveč ima tak dogodek zaradi svoje razsežnosti lahko izjemno velik vpliv tudi na globalno raven. Ključno za uspeh je, da je treba veliki mednarodni športni dogodek pregledno in odgovorno upravljati v okviru vseh treh dimenzij trajnostnega razvoja.
Keywords:veliki mednarodni športni dogodek, trajnostni razvoj, triple bottom line, olimpijske igre, svetovno nogometno prvenstvo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Kolarič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-59002 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12652316 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The system of indicators for valuation of international sport mega event's impacts on sustainable development
Abstract:A lot of research has been done on international mega sport events, where this master thesis is being just one of them presenting the view of the event through the influence it has on a sustainable development. It is impossible to cover all dimensions of such event in just one paper, since this is an evolving system that adapts to the environment and evolves in time. The development of international mega sport events is put in the context of the impacts of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The focus of this thesis was mainly on types of impacts, their extent, as well as ways of measuring and comparing them. Any sustainable dimension has its own characteristics, volumetric dimension, and specific influence and is also in a certain relation to other dimensions. This is what makes dimensions similar and at the same time different from one another. When describing these dimensions as similar, we are trying to find their relationships and common characteristics and when defining them as different, we study their differences due to their primal and unique character. In this master thesis, we have covered certain topics on sport and sport events, defined an international mega sport event, described and highlighted its main characteristics. Moreover, we have defined the sustainable development and also explained how international mega sport event can be governed in a sustainable way. Until now, we have presented the dimension and complexity of such events, and then specifically raised the subjects of our research, namely indicators and impacts of such events on the host city, the entire region and their local residents. Based on the existing literature, we summarized the lessons learned so far and set the framework of our empirical work. Using secondary data, we have come to the results and using appropriate methods of work we have come to the conclusions, what an international mega sport event should be like in the context of sustainable development. At the end, we presented some insights and recommendations for further researches and international mega sport events’ organizers. The main finding of this thesis is that international mega sport events are global, somehow unpredictable, for some groups more, for others less positive, but they allow to create benefits for the entire society. The recognition is based on the fact that sustainable development is not something automatic, coincidental and unplanned. On the contrary, it needs to be implemented conceptually from the beginning of an idea of an international mega sport event. Sustainable development of international mega sport event should be aligned with the present and with a view to the future economic, social and environmental safety. Not only can such integrity lead to a harmonious sustainable development and quality of life for the host city, moreover such event can have much greater global influence because of its wide dimension. To conclude, a vital part of successful international mega sport event is a transparent and accountable management within all three dimensions of sustainable development.
Keywords:international mega sport event, sustaiable development, triple bottom line, olympic games, football world cup


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