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Authors:ID Rec, Katja (Author)
ID Ogorelc, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Rec_Katja_2016.pdf (3,70 MB)
MD5: 285DEEBA9A57E886D77F2A14A2582712
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo naravnanost domačinov do velikega mednarodne športnega dogodka v severovzhodni Sloveniji – tradicionalnega tekmovanja za svetovno prvenstvo v motokrosu. V teoretičnem delu konceptualiziramo dogodke nasploh, posebej še športne, in pojasnimo njihov pomen za razvoj turizma. Prikažemo teoretične konstrukte za razumevanje naravnanosti domačinov do dogodkov, kjer posebej izpostavimo dva - teorijo socialne izmenjave in teorijo socialnih predstav. V posebnem poglavju se posvetimo lokalni skupnosti in učinkom velikih športnih dogodkov. Podrobneje analiziramo njihove ekonomske, socio-kulturne in okoljske učinke v luči mednarodnih raziskav, objavljenih v znanstvenih revijah. V empiričnem delu naloge analiziramo rezultate ankete, to je zaznave in stališča domačinov o treh sklopih učinkov velikega mednarodnega športnega dogodka in njihovega vpliva na lokalno skupnost. Statistično analizo zaznav anketirancev izvedemo z vidika štirih spremenljivk: starosti anketirancev, trajanja bivanja v skupnosti in njihovi oddaljenosti od prizorišča dogodka ter glede na njihovo aktivno udeležbo pri organiziranju dogodka. Ugotavljamo, da anketiranci v celoti zelo visoko ocenijo pozitivne socio-kulturne učinke športnega dogodka, imajo pa ambivalenten odnos do njegovih ekonomskih učinkov. Negativne socio-kulturne učinke dogodka zaznavajo kot manj moteče, podobno tudi njegove negativne okoljske učinke (z izjemo ene spremenljivke – vpliva hrupa). Raziskavo sklenemo s celovitim ovrednotenjem podpore domačinov tradicionalnemu velikemu mednarodnemu športnemu dogodku, ki ga prirejamo v Sloveniji. Analiza pokaže, da pozitivni učinki dogodka prevladujejo nad negativnimi. Anketirani domačini zelo visoko ocenijo pomen športnega dogodka za lokalno skupnost in v celoti podpirajo njegov nadaljnji razvoj.
Keywords:veliki mednarodni športni dogodek, tekma za svetovno prvenstvo v motokrosu, teorija socialne izmenjave, teorija socialnih predstav, zaznavanje učinkov dogodka pri domačinih ekonomski socio-kulturni in okoljski učinki dogodka, učinki športnega dogodka na lokalno skupnost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Rec]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58902 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12658460 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate residents’ perceptions and attitudes toward one of the major international sport events in north eastern Slovenia – the traditional Motocross World Championship Competition. The theoretical part of the study deals with a concept of events in general, with an emphasis on sport events, and explains their importance in the development of tourism. Further, the study presents two theoretical constructs for understanding the residents’ attitudes toward events – the social exchange theory and the social representations theory. A separate chapter is devoted to the local community and to the impacts of major sport events. An in-depth research of economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts is done on international surveys published in scientific journals. In the empirical part, the results of the survey are analysed; namely residents’ perceptions and attitudes regarding the three sets of impacts from the major international sports event and their influence on the local community. To conduct the statistical analysis of the respondents’ perceptions, four variables are used: age of the respondents, length of residence, and proximity from the place of event, as well as their active involvement in organizing the event. Results of the study indicate that, overall, respondents highly evaluate the positive socio-cultural impacts of the sport event, but they are ambivalent to its economic impacts. Respondents perceive the negative socio-cultural impacts as less annoying, along with the negative environmental impacts (with the exception of one variable, the traffic noise impact). Furthermore, the study comprehensively evaluates the residents’ support of the major international sporting event annually held in Slovenia. The analysis shows that the events’ positive impacts outweigh its negative impacts. Respondents highly assess the importance of the sport event on the local community and express a high level of support for its further development.
Keywords:major international sports events, Motocross World Championship Competition, residents' perceptions of effects of sport event, social exchange theory, social representations theory, economic socio-cultural and environmental impacts of sport event, impacts of the sport event on the local community


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