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Title:Analiza uslužnega vodenja s čustveno, trajnostno in normativno komponento pripadnosti na primeru izbranega podjetja
Authors:ID Čer, Matej (Author)
ID Šarotar Žižek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Markovič Hribernik, Tanja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Cer_Matej_2016.pdf (1,29 MB)
MD5: E554593DA8CC9BF57279E41EDBCDCD1E
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Magistrska naloga preučuje povezavo uslužnega vodenja s pripadnostjo. Uslužno vodenje je pristop, ki na vodenje gleda z vidika vodje in njegovih vedenj. Poudarja, da vodje izražajo skrb do sledilcev, pri čemer jih negujejo in izkazujejo empatijo. V obdobju hitrih družbenih sprememb predstavlja pomemben dejavnik konkurenčnosti pripadnost, ki pomeni mobilizacijo potenciala in sposobnosti zaposlenega, da ta doseže cilje organizacije. Zaposleni, ki upoštevajo uslužno vodenje, opravljajo obveznosti nad osnovnimi zahtevanimi ravnemi in pripomorejo k delovanju organizacije kot celote. Tematika uslužnega vodenja in pripadnosti je aktualna tudi zaradi finančnih vplivov, ki jih imata uslužno vodenje in pripadnost na poslovanje organizacije. Namen naloge je razširiti znanje o uslužnem vodenju in prispevati h globljemu razumevanju pričujočega konstrukta v povezavi s čustveno, trajnostno in normativno pripadnostjo. Glavni cilj pričujoče naloge je analizirati povezavo uslužnega vodenja s čustveno, trajnostno in normativno komponento pripadnosti na primeru izbranega podjetja. Korelacijska analiza je pokazala negativno povezavo uslužnega vodenja s pripadnostjo, kar je v nasprotju s prevladujočo teorijo in pričakovanji, zato smo z namenom poglobljenega raziskovanja preučevanega pojava uporabili še kvalitativni metodi opazovanja raziskovalno razvojnega tima in dveh operativnih timov ter strukturiranega intervjuja. Rezultati kvalitativne analize kažejo na pozitivno povezavo med konstruktoma uslužnega vodenja in pripadnosti. Možne razloge za razkorak med ugotovitvami kvantitativne in kvalitativne analize vidimo v potencialni različni percepciji konstruktov uslužnega vodenja in pripadnosti na strani vodij in respondentov. Z magistrsko nalogo prispevamo na več področjih. Tako glede konstrukta uslužnega vodenja kot tudi pripadnosti še ni konsenza glede opredelitve in operacionalizacije, zato vidimo teoretični prispevek naloge v sintezi opredelitev konstruktov uslužnega vodenja in pripadnosti. Empirični prispevek je v obliki preverjenih hipotez na preučevanem podjetju. V okviru praktičnega prispevka izvedemo diskusijo s priporočilom za preučevano podjetje.
Keywords:uslužno vodenje, čustvena, trajnostna in normativna komponenta pripadnosti
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:Z. Koščak
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58896 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12477468 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of servant leadership with affective, continuance and normative component of commitment on a chosen company
Abstract:This master’s thesis deals with the relationship between servant leadership and organizational commitment. Servant leadership is an approach that looks at leadership from the standpoint of a leader and his behaviors. The emphasis is on nurturing followers and helping them grow. In the light of quick and constant changes an important factor is also commitment, which mobilizes the potential and abilities of an employee to achieve organizational goals. Employees that accept servant leadership carry out their working activities beyond basic requirements and therefore contribute to a better working organization as a whole. The topic about servant leadership and organizational commitment is interesting also because of the financial influences on the organization. The purpose of this thesis is to expand the knowledge about servant leadership and to contribute to a deeper understanding of this construct in relationship with affective, continuance and normative commitment. The main goal is to analyse the relationship between servant leadership and affective, continuance and normative component of commitment on a chosen company. The analysis of correlations has shown a negative relationship between servant leadership and commitment, what is in contrast to the prevalent theory and expectations. To gain a broader understanding of phenomena, we also used qualitative research methods: observation of an R&D team and two teams from operations department. We also carried out structured interview with one of the board members. The results of qualitative analysis show a positive relationship between servant leadership and commitment. The possible reason for the differences in results from qualitative and quantitative analysis is in potentially different perceptions of servant leadership and commitment from leaders and subordinates. This master's thesis contributes on several fields. Because there is no general agreement on definition and operationalization for servant leadership and commitment we see the theoretical contribution in a synthesis of definitions of servant leadership and commitment. We see the empirical contribution in testing the proposed hypotheses on a chosen service company. The practical contribution lies in preparing a suggestion fort he company studied.
Keywords:servant leadership, affective, continuance and normative component of commitment


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