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Authors:ID Serec, Darko (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Serec_Darko_2016.pdf (1,10 MB)
MD5: 133E55B0971A0E9FB8B25974A072B051
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V teoretičnem delu smo naprej predstavili osnovne pojme (prehranska dopolnila, vedenje porabnikov in nakupni proces). Nato smo preučili vedenje porabnikov prehranskih dopolnil z predstavitvijo elementov vpliva na vedenje porabnikov prehranskih dopolnil in proces nakupa prehranskih dopolnil. Sledilo je osrednje poglavje, v okviru katerega smo preučili modele teorij načrtovanega vedenja (nadalje TNV), predstavili njihov razvoj in opredelitev, ter jih predstavili tudi posebnosti in značilnosti modelov TNV na področju proizvodov in storitev povezanih z zdravjem ljudi. V raziskovalnem delu naloge smo uvodoma podali splošen pregeld trga prehranskih dopolnil v Sloveniji. Nato smo na podlagi kvantitativne raziskave analizirali vedenje porabnikov prehranskih dopolnil na podalgi TNV v Sloveniji. Ponazorili smo rezultate raziskave, preverili zastavljene hipoteze, podali ključne ugotovitve in predloge ter sklep. Temeljna ugotovitev naloge je, da lahko TNV vedenja v veliki meri napove vedenje porabnikov prehranskih dopolnil v Sloveniji, ob upoštevanju zdrastvene motivacije porabnikov. Navedeno izhaja iz ugotovitve, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v vplivu socialno kognitivnih konstruktov o nameri uživanja prehranskih dopolnil pri porabnikih prehranskih dopolnil, z visoko stopnjo zdravstvene motivacije in tistimi, z nizko. Napoved vedenja pa je nekoliko omejena le ob upoštevanju razlik, med porabniki s pozitivnimi in negativnimi stališči do vedenjske namere uživanja prehranskih dopolnil, saj med njimi ne obstajajo statistično značilne razlike.
Keywords:teorija načrtovanega vedenja, prehranska dopolnila, vedenje porabnikov
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Serec]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58604 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12374044 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:An analysis of consumer behaviour toward dietary supplements consumption in Slovenia based on Theory of Planned Behaviour
Abstract:The global market for dietary supplements is growing more than ever before and the same applies to Slovenia. Our thesis introduces concepts such as dietary supplements, consumer behaviour and the purchasing process. These concepts were further discussed, whilst special emphasis was placed on exploring the behaviour of dietary supplement consumers by presenting the elements which influence the behaviour of these consumers and the purchasing process itself. This is followed by the main chapter, in which we examined models within the Theory of Planned Behaviour (hereinafter TPB), presented their development and definition, and illustrated the particularities and characteristics of TPB models in the field of health-related products and services. In addition, we also provided a general overview of the dietary supplement market in Slovenia. In the empirical part, we successfully conducted a quantitative survey on the behaviour of dietary supplement consumers in Slovenia, which was based on the TPB. We presented the survey results, analyzed the proposed hypotheses, formulated key findings and provided suggestions. The thesis is completed with a conclusion. We empirically tested the chosen model and established that the TPB can to a great extent predict the behaviour of dietary supplement consumers in Slovenia by taking into account their health motivation. This can be discerned from the statistically significant differences in the influence of social cognitive constructs on the intention of consuming dietary supplements found between consumers with high levels of health motivation and those with low levels. The prediction of behaviour is slightly limited only by considering the differences between consumers with positive and negative attitudes to the behavioural intention of consuming dietary supplements, in which case the results show no statistically significant differences.
Keywords:Theory of Planned Behavior, dietary supplements, consumer behaviour.


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