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Title:Trženje storitev carinskega postopka 42 na primeru podjetja RCM d.o.o.
Authors:ID Barut, Matjaž (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Barut_Matjaz_2016.pdf (1,70 MB)
MD5: E171F2E6FECCE5B2491C9E10E39B2A97
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Čas hitrih sprememb, v katerem živimo, ter ostre konkurence sili vse subjekte na trgu v prilagajanje poslovanja danim razmeram. V logistiki nasploh, tudi v špediterski dejavnosti, tržni deleži v večini pripadajo globalnim logističnim podjetjem z močno mednarodno podporo ter mrežo. Manjši špediterji so prisiljeni v specializacijo in iskanje niš ter trgu ponuditi storitev, ki praviloma ni v domeni globalnih logističnih podjetij. V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno trženje storitev carinskega postopka 42 na primeru podjetja RCM, d. o. o., v katerem sem zaposlen. Tema me je pritegnila predvsem zato, ker sem osebno sodeloval pri pripravi ter izvajanju trženjskih aktivnosti za navedeno storitev. V teoretičnem delu je glavni poudarek na trženjskem komuniciranju. Podrobneje sta opisana komunikacijski proces ter komunikacijski splet. Teoretični del se nadaljuje v predstavitvi zakonskih okvirov, ki opredeljujejo carinski postopek 42 ter izvajanje tega. Praktični del se nadaljuje v predstavitvi podjetja RCM, d. o. o., ter procesa trženja carinskega postopka 42 na hrvaškem trgu. Podrobneje so opisane vse trženjske dejavnosti, ki jih je podjetje izvajalo v obdobju, ki je sledilo vstopu Hrvaške v Evropsko unijo. Predstavljen je trženjski načrt, dejavnosti trženja postopka 42 ter analiza učinkov v obdobju izvajanja teh dejavnosti. Skozi analizo ter grafični prikaz bomo prikazali, da je podjetje RCM, d. o. o., z intenzivnostjo trženjskih aktivnosti povečevalo prodajo storitve carinskega postopka 42 skozi celotno obdobje izvajanja trženjskih aktivnosti.
Keywords:trženjsko komuniciranje, carinska zakonodaja, carinski postopek 42, tuji trgi, podjetje RCM, d. o. o.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Barut]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-58275 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12467740 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Marketing of services related to customs procedure 42 in case of RCM d.o.o.
Abstract:The time of fast changes and harsh competition we live in forces all subjects on the market to adapt their business to given conditions. When it comes to logistics and shipping, market shares mostly belong to global logistics companies with strong international support and network. Smaller shipping companies are forced to specialize and to look for market gaps that are usually not a domain of global logistics companies. This masters dissertation presents marketing of services of the customs procedure 42 in case of the company RCM d.o.o. where I am employed. I find this topic attractive mainly because I personally took part at preparation and performance of marketing activities for the mentioned service. The theoretic part is mainly about marketing communication. There is a detailed description of the communication process and the communication mix. The theoretic part continues with a presentation of the legislative framework that defines the customs procedure 42 and its performance. The practical part presents the company RCM d.o.o. and the marketing processes of the customs procedure 42 on the Croatian market. There is a detailed description of all marketing activities that the company performed in the time after Croatia entered European Union. There is a presentation of the marketing plan, marketing activities for the procedure 42 and analysis of effects in the time when these activities have been performed. Analysis and graphs show that the company RCM d.o.o. increased the sale of the service of the customs procedure 42 with intense marketing activities through the entire time of the performance of marketing activities.
Keywords:marketing communications, customs legislation, the customs procedure 42 foreign markets, the company RCM, l.l.c.


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