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Title:Vpliv terciarne izobrazbe na višino plač v Republiki Sloveniji
Authors:ID Petek, Darjan (Author)
ID Jagrič, Timotej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Petek_Darjan_2016.pdf (2,96 MB)
MD5: 987FF22146B5389A24C35E2B0B344B0D
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu proučujemo vpliv terciarne izobrazbe na višino plač v Republiki Sloveniji za leti 2011 in 2012. Pri tem uporabljamo mikropodatke statističnega raziskovanja Strukturna statistika plač (gre za podatke iz napovedi za odmero dohodnine in podatke o demografskih ter zaposlitvenih značilnostih zaposlenih oseb iz Statističnega registra delovno aktivnega prebivalstva (SRDAP)), podatke statističnega raziskovanja o diplomantih višješolskega in visokošolskega izobraževanja, agregirane podatke o plačanih urah na ravni področja dejavnosti iz statističnega raziskovanja o opravljenih delovnih urah ter podatke o stopnji brezposelnosti po vrstah izobraževalnih aktivnosti (KLASIUS-SRV). S pomočjo deskriptivnih statistik predstavimo integrirane podatkovne vire oz. podatkovno bazo. Prikažemo višino plač oseb z doseženo terciarno izobrazbo glede na vrsto izobraževanja, področje izobraževanja, dejavnost podjetja oz. enote v sestavi, kjer je oseba zaposlena, regijo zaposlitve, spol in sektor (javni/zasebni). Tovrstnih podatkov uradna statistika ne objavlja razčlenjenih glede na vrsto in področje izobraževanja. Vpliv ravni izobrazbe oz. dolžine izobraževanja na višino plače se po več kot štirih desetletjih, odkar je predstavnik čikaške ekonomske šole Jakob Mincer razvil svojo teorijo (1974), ki obravnava višino plač kot funkcijo človeškega kapitala, še vedno ocenjuje z njegovo enačbo. Tudi v tem magistrskem delu jo uporabimo, dodamo pa nekaj slamnatih spremenljivk z namenom ugotavljanja vpliva dejavnosti, regije, področja izobraževanja in javnega oz. zasebnega sektorja. Ugotavljamo, da obstajajo pomembne razlike v višini plač glede na vrsto in področje izobraževanja. Pomembno vlogo na višino plače imata tudi regija in področje dejavnosti podjetja, kjer je posamezna oseba zaposlena. Tudi vplivi spola in javnega oz. zasebnega sektorja so statistično značilni. Uporaba povprečne plače na uro kot odvisne spremenljivke prinaša podobne rezultate kot uporaba povprečne letne plače, kar je nekoliko nepričakovano. Rezultati analize kažejo, da največje donose glede na področje izobraževanja (KLASIUS-P) prinaša področje zdravstva in sociale, najmanjše pa področje kmetijstva, gozdarstva, ribištva in veterinarstva. Med dejavnostmi ugotavljamo največji (pozitivni) vpliv področja dejavnosti rudarstva, najmanj ugodnega oz. celo negativnega pa zasledimo v dejavnosti poslovanja z nepremičninami. Področje zdravstva in socialnega varstva (Q) je edino področje dejavnosti, kjer je vpliv dejavnosti v primeru plače na uro postal negativen, čeprav je bil vpliv v primeru letne bruto plače pozitiven. Znano je dejstvo, da je v dejavnosti zdravstva opravljenih zelo veliko nadur (več jih je leta 2011 bilo plačanih le na področju prometa in skladiščenja). Zaradi tega so v tem področju dejavnosti mesečne in letne plače precej visoke, plače na uro pa so primerljive z ostalimi dejavnostmi. Nadalje ugotavljamo, da v opazovanem obdobju ni velikih razlik. Čeprav smo leta 2011 zabeležili rahlo rast gospodarske aktivnosti in leta 2012 precejšen padec ter povečanje števila brezposelnih s terciarno izobrazbo, pa posledic takšnega makroekonomskega dogajanja ne razberemo iz ocenjenih vrednosti regresijskih koeficientov. Skladno z Mincerjevo teorijo potrjujemo, da ima trajanje izobraževanja pozitiven vpliv na višino plače posameznika. Dolžina vključenosti v sistem izobraževanja se izrazi z višjo vrsto izobrazbe, ki pa navadno odraža neke specifične sposobnosti posameznikov. Izraba teh lastnosti posameznikom običajno prinaša višje plače. V primeru uporabe bruto plačila na uro kot odvisne spremenljivke ne opazimo signifikantnih razlik glede na uporabo letnega plačila. Vrednosti determinacijskih koeficientov se gibljejo med 0,34 do 0,36, kar pomeni, da nam je z modelom uspelo pojasniti med 34 in 36 % variabilnosti odvisne spremenljivke.
Keywords:Mincerjeva enačba, linearna regresija, donosnost izobraževanja, plače, terciarna izobrazba.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. petek]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57728 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12391452 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.07.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of tertiary education on the level of wages in the Republic of Slovenia
Abstract:In this master's thesis we examine the impact of tertiary education on the level of wages in the Republic of Slovenia for the years 2011 and 2012. We use micro data from the statistical survey Structure of Earnings Statistics (data on earnings from the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and demographic data on persons in paid employment from the Statistical Register of Employment), micro data from the survey of graduates from tertiary education and aggregated data on paid hours at the first level (section) of Statistical classification of economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) from statistical survey on hours worked and aggregated unemployment data (unemployment rate) by educational level (KLASIUS SRV). With descriptive statistics we present the integrated data sources, our database. We show average and median wages of persons with completed tertiary education broken down by type and field of education, section of activity of the company where the person is employed, region of employment, gender and sector (public/private). Official statistics does not publish data broken down by fields of education. Additionally, wages data in this master’s thesis are broken down by lower educational levels than officially published. The impact of the level of education on the level of wages is after more than four decades, since the representative of the Chicago school of economics Jacob Mincer developed his theory (1974), which explains the wage amounts as a function of human capital, still assessed with his equation. In this work we also use his equation and add a few dummy variables in order to determine the impact of the section of activity, region, field of education and private/public sector. We observed that there are significant differences in the amounts of wages as regards the level and field of education. Region and activity of the company where the person is employed also plays an important role in wage determination. The effects of gender and public/private sector are also statistically significant. Using the average wage per hour as dependent variable gives similar results as the average annual wages, which is somewhat unexpected. The results of the analysis show the greatest returns in the field of education (KLASIUS-P) health and welfare, and the lowest in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary medicine. Among the activities we observed the largest (positive) impact in mining activity and even negative in real estate activities. The impact on hourly wages is negative only in human health and social work activities (Q), whereas the impact on annual gross wages is positive. It is well known that a lot of overtime hours are worked (and paid) in human health and social work activities (in 2011 more overtime hours were paid only in transport and storage). This is also the reason that annual wages in this section of activity are relatively high, but hourly wages are comparable with other activities. Furthermore, during the observation period we examined only little difference. Although in 2011 we recorded a slight growth and in 2012 a significant drop in economic activity and an increase in the number of unemployed persons with tertiary education, the consequences of such macroeconomic developments can not be seen in the estimated regression coefficients. In line with Mincer’s theory, we can confirm the positive impact of the duration of education on individual's wages. The length of the participation in the education system is normally expressed in higher education attaintment, which usually reflects some specific skills of individuals. Leveraging on these characteristics usually means higher wages for individuals. Regression coefficients are similar regardless of the use of hourly wages or annual wages as dependent variable. The determination coefficients values are ranging from 0.34 to 0.36, which means that the model explains between 34 and 36% of the variation in the dependent variable.
Keywords:Mincer equation, linear regression, returns on education, wages, tertiary education.


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