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Authors:ID Pečar Greif, Katja (Author)
ID Novak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Pecar_Greif_Katja_2016.pdf (851,16 KB)
MD5: F986EE77D2FC5A0ABF81848827CF5E7D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V diplomskem delu obravnavamo brezposelnost na območju Maribora. Predstavili smo trg dela, nato podrobneje opisali brezposelnost. Najprej smo razložili pojem brezposelnosti in navedli razloge zanjo. Nato smo predstavili vrste oz. oblike brezposelnosti, ogrožene skupine ter kako se brezposelnost meri. Predstavili smo tudi statistično analizo brezposelnosti v Sloveniji po podatkih Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali mnenja in stališča anketiranih na območju Maribora glede razloga brezposelnosti, glede poznavanja pravic in dolžnosti ki jih imajo do Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje, kako brezposelnost vpliva na njihova življenja in mnenja glede njihove prihodnosti. Ugotovili smo, da je skoraj pri vsakem drugem anketiranem razlog za brezposelnost prenehanje pogodbe o zaposlitvi s potekom časa, med tem ko je največja težava pri iskanju zaposlitve neustrezen oz. neiskan poklic. Anketirani najpogosteje izpolnjujejo svojo obveznost do Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje. Dobra polovica bi bila povsem ali v večji meri pripravljen sprejeti zaposlitev, ki ne ustreza stopnji njihove izobrazbe in ustrezno nižje plačilo. Brezposelnost najbolj vpliva na duševno počutje anketiranih. Zelo močno vpliva tudi na družinsko življenje. Tudi optimizem glede prihodnosti med anketiranimi ni preveč visok.
Keywords:Trg dela, brezposelnost, ranljive skupine na trgu dela, ovire pri iskanju zaposlitve.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57707 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7586067  New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.05.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis discusses unemployment in the area of Maribor. We have presented the labour market and later described the unemployment more in detail. Firstly, we defined the term unemployment and stated the reasons for it. Then we presented the types or forms of unemployment, vulnerable groups and the ways of unemployment measurements. Moreover, we presented the statistical analysis of unemployment in Slovenia according to the data gained by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. In the research, we examined the views and opinions of people living in the area of Maribor regarding the reasons for unemployment, their awareness of the rights and duties they have to the Employment Service of Slovenia, the influence of unemployment on their lives and their opinions about the future. We have found out that nearly one in two interviewed became unemployed because of the termination of their employment contract, whereby they define the professions of a low labour demand to be the greatest difficulty in job-search. Most of the asked individuals fulfil their obligations to the Employment Service of Slovenia. More than a half of them would accept a job that is completely or to a large extend unrelated to their education and consequently also a lower payment for it. Unemployment has the greatest effect on the mental well-being of the interviewed individuals. Beside this, it also affects a family life. Moreover, the level of optimisms about the future among the unemployed is not really high.
Keywords:Labour market, unemployment, vulnerable groups on the labour market, difficulties in job-search.


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