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Authors:ID Zapušek, David (Author)
ID Jurše, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kavkler, Alenka (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Zapusek_David_2016.pdf (2,13 MB)
MD5: 94D979C762DE4291BEDE2FD32C263F91
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Gonilna sila svetovnega gospodarstva so mala in srednje velika podjetja, ki zagotavljajo uravnotežen ekonomski razvoj in veliko kakovostnih delovnih mest z visoko dodano vrednostjo. Prav na plečih izvozno naravnanih uspešnih slovenskih MSP se je Slovenija uspela izvleči iz zubljev gospodarske krize in ponovno postala perspektivno evropsko gospodarstvo. To dejstvo je v nas zbudilo zanimanje in posledično vprašanje, kateri so glavni dejavniki, ki so tem podjetjem pomagali preseči krizo na področju upravljanja prodajnih poti. V naši raziskavi smo s pomočjo pregleda teorije mednarodnega marketinškega menedžmenta raziskali teoretična ozadja marketinškega spleta, načinov vstopa na tuje trge in razvoja ter upravljanja prodajnih poti. Na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč ter predhodnih raziskav smo izoblikovali konceptualni okvir, s katerim smo določili trditve iz naslednjih tematskih sklopov: izbor primernih prodajnih poti, pomembnost vlaganj slovenskih MSP, uspešnost premagovanja ovir slovenskih MSP in pravočasnost odzivov v času krize. S pomočjo trditev iz navedenih tematskih sklopov smo dobili vpogled v to, katere spremenljivke imajo največji vpliv na uspešno upravljanje prodajnih poti na tujih trgih. V nadaljevanju raziskave smo pridobljene podatke iz anketnega vprašalnika interpretirali in jih uporabili za oblikovanje odgovorov na štiri zastavljene hipoteze. V hipotezi H1 nas je zanimalo, ali so uspešna slovenska MSP, ki tržijo svoje produkte s pomočjo kombinacije posrednih in neposrednih prodajnih poti, uspešnejša pri upravljanju prodajnih poti na tujih trgih. Ugotovili smo, da podjetja, ki svoje produkte tržijo s pomočjo kombinacije posrednih in neposrednih prodajnih poti, pri upravljanju prodajnih poti na tujih trgih niso bolj uspešna od podjetij, ki to počno posredno ali neposredno. Slovenska MSP, ki dajejo večji pomen intenzivnosti vlaganj v razvoj prodajnih poti, so uspešnejša pri upravljanju prodajnih aktivnosti na tujih trgih. Trditev navedene hipoteze H2 se je izkazala za pravilno. Na podlagi izsledkov naše raziskave lahko potrdimo hipotezo H3, saj je bilo ugotovljeno, da podjetja, ki uspešneje premagujejo ovire pri poslovanju na tujih trgih, prav tako uspešneje upravljajo prodajne aktivnosti na tujih trgih. S pomočjo zadnje hipoteze H4 smo prišli do ugotovitve, da so bila slovenska MSP, ki so pravočasno reagirala na pritiske recesije, uspešnejša pri obvladovanju prodajnega procesa na tujih trgih v kriznem obdobju. Končne ugotovitve so nam pomagale pri izoblikovanju prilagodljivega pristopa razvoja prodajnih poti za MSP na tujih trgih. Iz naše raziskave lahko podjetja pridobijo nekaj pomembnih informacij za izpeljavo uspešne internacionalizacije podjetja zlasti na področju razvoja uspešnega modela prodajnih poti.
Keywords:mala in srednje velika podjetja, tuji trgi, prodajne poti, načini vstopa na tuji trg, marketinški splet.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Zapušek]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57678 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12544284 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.10.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The driving forces of global economy are small and medium-sized enterprises that provide balanced economic development and a lot of high-quality jobs with high added value. On the shoulders of successful Slovenian export-oriented SMEs, the Republic of Slovenia managed to overcome economics crisis and become once again a perspective European economy. This fact has aroused interest in us and consequently the question, what are the main factors that help companies overcome the crisis in the management of sales channels. In our study we examined theories of international marketing management, explored the theoretical background of online marketing, examined modes of entry into foreign markets and explained development and management of sales channels. Based on the theoretical facts and previous researches, we created a conceptual framework with arguments of following themes: selecting appropriate sales channels, the importance of investment by Slovenian SMEs, ability to overcome the barriers of Slovenian SMEs and capability to response fast in times of crisis. Using these arguments we got answers, which variables have the greatest impact on the successful management of sales channels in foreign markets. Information obtained from the questionnaire during the research were interpreted and used to establish answers to previously formed 4 hypotheses. In the hypothesis H1, we examined if successful Slovenian SMEs which market their products using a combination of direct and indirect sales channels are more effective in managing sales channels in foreign markets. We learned that companies that market their products through a combination of direct and indirect sales channels are not more successful in managing sales channels in foreign markets than companies that do this directly or indirectly. With hypothesis 2 has been proven that Slovenian SMEs, that give greater importance to intensity of investment in the development of sales channels, are more successful at managing sales activities in foreign markets. Through the findings based on the facts of our research we can confirm hypothesis H3, because it was discovered, that companies which are more effective at managing the barriers in sales channels are more successful at managing sales channels on foreign markets. With help of the last hypothesis H4 we come to conclusion that Slovenian SMEs which have reacted to recessionary pressures on time have more successfully managed the sales process in foreign markets during the crisis. Final findings helped us to accomplish a flexible approach of developing sales channels for SMEs in foreign markets. This short composition can provide businesses important information that they can use for successful internationalization of companies in the field of sales channels.
Keywords:Small and medium-sized companies, foreign markets, sales channels, foreign market entry modes, marketing mix.


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