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Title:Analiza internega komuniciranja v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Plaskan, Alen (Author)
ID Gorenak, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mlaker Kač, Sonja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Plaskan_Alen_2016.pdf (1,02 MB)
MD5: 6E779CA960C7B78D462CFEC19B8B8C75
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Podjetja velikokrat prezrejo pomembnost internega komuniciranja, zlasti pri prehodu iz manjšega v srednja in velika podjetja. S pravilno usmerjeno interno komunikacijo in dobro postavljeno komunikacijsko klimo le-ta postanejo konkurenčnejša in uspešnejša ter lažje udejanjijo svoje vrednote, vizijo in cilje. Ker se zavedamo problema zapostavljenosti interne komunikacije pri rasti podjetja ter posledično zagotavljanja slabše komunikacijske klime, smo ocenili, da je vredno podrobneje raziskati izpostavljeni problem v izbranem podjetju. Predmet raziskave je interna komunikacija in komunikacijska klima v izbranem podjetju. Posebno pozornost smo namenili raziskavi kakovosti pretoka informacij, splošnim značilnostim komuniciranja v različnih smereh in ocenjevanju značilnosti komunikacijske klime. Analiza internih podatkov izbranega podjetja in izpolnjenih anketnih vprašalnikov lepo prikaže aktualno stanje internega komuniciranja in komunikacijske klime v izbranem podjetju. Na podlagi rezultatov smo izpostavili probleme in predložili njihove rešitve. Z njimi bi izboljšali interno komuniciranje, zastavili dobro podlago komuniciranja pri nadaljnji rasti podjetja in omogočili ugodno komunikacijsko klimo za delavce.
Keywords:interno komuniciranje, komunikacijska klima, vertikalno komuniciranje, horizontalno komuniciranje
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[A. Plaskan]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57055 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512749885 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.02.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of internal communication in choosen organization
Abstract:Many times companies overlook the importance of internal communication, especially when they overgrow from small to medium or large company. With the right strategy of internal communication and communication climate, companies become more competitive, successful and they easier implement company’s values, visions and goals. Knowing that, if internal communication at company’s growth, consequently also communication climate, is neglected, we assessed, that it is worth to make a research on presented problem in a chosen company. The subjects of the research are internal communication and communication climate in the chosen company. We have specially focused on information flow quality, general features of communication in different directions and on features of communication climate. Analysis of company's internal data and gathered questioners has show us internal communications and communication climates actual state. With given results we have high lightened problems and suggested solutions to solve them. With proposed solutions we would improve internal communication, set a good internal communication bases for further growth and we would enable a favorable communication climate for workers.
Keywords:internal communication, communication climate, vertical communication, horizontal communication


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