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Title:Načrtovanje poti odvoza odpadkov v občinah Velenje, Šoštanj in Šmartno ob Paki s pomočjo geografskih informacijskih sistemov
Authors:ID Selan, Blaž (Author)
ID Prah, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Selan_Blaz_2016.pdf (3,24 MB)
MD5: 3BD05E8E4EE909B69A2A4E6E1257CE33
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V današnjem času je vedno bolj živo spoznanje, da lahko vsaka dobro načrtovana pot podjetju bistveno pripomore k racionalizaciji in zniževanju transportnih stroškov. Z optimalno izvedeno potjo se zmanjšujejo prevoženi kilometri in čas, kar botruje k zmanjševanju obremenjenosti komunalnega prevoznega sredstva in delavcev. V magistrski nalogi smo načrtovali pot, ki jo opravi komunalno prevozno sredstvo pri odvozu papirja in kartonske embalaže iz zbiralnic v podjetju PUP-Saubermacher, d. o. o. Z metodološkega vidika smo v nalogi uporabili geografske informacijske sisteme, delo s transportnimi omrežji in problem usmerjanja vozil. Raziskavo smo izvedli z računalniško podprtim podatkovno procesnim sistemom ArcGIS z ekstenzijo Network Analyst. Z optimizacijo poti odvoza odpadkov smo uspeli znižati prevoženo razdaljo za 51 %, kar v finančnem smislu pomeni letni prihranek za 7.930 €. Skupni čas odvoza odpadkov pa smo uspeli zmanjšati za 22 delovnih dni v enem letu. V zaključku naloge razmišljamo o smotrnosti programa in ugotavljamo, da je omenjeni program primeren za optimizacijo transporta odpadkov, saj malce bolj izkušenemu uporabniku z modeliranjem transportnega omrežja ponuja zadovoljive rezultate.
Keywords:Odvoz odpadkov, načrtovanje poti, Geografski informacijski sistemi, problem usmerjanja vozil, Pup-Saubermacher, d. o. o.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-57041 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.02.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Route planning of waste collection in municipalities of Velenje, Šoštanj and Šmartno ob Paki by using geografical information system
Abstract:Nowadays, route planning is becoming increasingly prevalent, as it can significantly improve rationalisation and decrease transport costs. An optimal route will reduce the mileage and the required time, contributing to a reduced load on waste collection vehicles and workers. In the master’s thesis, we planned a route taken by a waste collection vehicle for the collection of paper and cardboard packaging from the waste collection stations in company PUP-Saubermacher, d. o. o. From a methodological point of view we used geographic information systems, work with transport networks and vehicle routing problem in our thesis. The research was conducted with a computer-supported data-processing system ArcGIS with the Network Analyst extension. By optimising the waste collection route, we managed to reduce the mileage by 51 %, which financially represents annual savings of 7.930 €. Total time of waste collection was reduced by 22 working days annually. In the conclusion of the thesis, we discuss the viability of the programme and determine that the aforementioned programme is suitable for optimising waste collection routes, as it provides satisfactory result to a slightly more experienced user by modelling a transport network.
Keywords:waste collection, route planning, geographic information systems, vehicle routing problem, Pup-Saubermacher, d. o. o.


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