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Title:Proaktivnost in terensko delo v izobraževanju za trajnostni razvoj
Authors:ID Kolnik, Karmen (Author)
Files:.pdf Revija_za_geografijo_2007_Kolnik_Proaktivnosti_in_terensko_delo_v_izobrazevanju_za_trajnostni_razvoj.pdf (247,97 KB)
MD5: C19B8443B91FA0F09A235EDDB25587B6
URL https://ff.um.si/publikacija/revija-za-geografijo-2007-2-2/
Work type:Article
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Globalna UNESCO-va razvojna strategija je integriranje principov, vrednot in prakse trajnostnega razvoja v vsa področja vseživljenjskega izobraževanja. Govorimo o potrebi, da morajo ekonomski in socialni razvoj ter varstvo okolja delovati povezano in skladno, pri tem pomembno vlogo prav izobraževanje. Proaktivnost v izobraževanju vključuje upoštevanje potreb prihodnosti, temelječih na razvoju vrednot in prostorskih odnosov, ki so odgovorni do potreb bodočih generacij. Integrativna vloga geografije kot vede, ki povezuje naravoslovje in družboslovje je lahko pomembna podlaga za interdisciplinarno izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj. Geografija, še posebej terensko delo, ima posebno in nenadomestljivo vlogo v promociji in razvoju sposobnosti kritičnega mišljenja, reševanja problemov in na njih temelječih spremembah odnosov do okolja in družbe,
Keywords:proaktivnost, geografija, trajnostni razvoj, izobraževanje, terensko delo
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2007
Number of pages:str. 21-28
Numbering:Letn. 2, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-56150 New window
ISSN on article:1854-665X
COBISS.SI-ID:16844808 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.12.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Revija za geografijo
Publisher:Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerzitetna založba Univerze v Mariboru
COBISS.SI-ID:229718016 New window

Secondary language

Title:Proactivity and fieldwork in education for sustainable development
Abstract:A global develpment stategy of UNESCO is to integrate the principles, values and practice of sustalnab/e developemenf into all aspects of lifelong education. We are talking of the need that every economical and social development and protection of the environment has to work connected and in harmony, and in this aspect the education is playing a big part. Proactivity in education includes taking into account needs of the future, which are based on the development of values and space relations, which are responsible to the needs of future generations. The integration roll of geograpy as social and natual orientated science is an important interdistiplinary foundation for education for sustainable development. Geography, particularly geographical fieldwork, has a special and irreplaceable role in regard to promotion and development of critical thinking, problem solving and proposing behavioural changes.
Keywords:geography, proactivity, sustainable development, education, fieldwork


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Revija za geografijo


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