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Title:Krvavitve iz prebavne cevi - nekatere epidemiološke značilnosti bolnikov v obdobju 1994-2003
Authors:ID Skok, Pavel (Author)
ID Skok, Marija (Author)
ID Ocepek, Andreja (Author)
ID Ćeranić, Davorin (Author)
Files:URL http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-FI2SUUMN
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:UM - University of Maribor
Abstract:Izhodišča. Krvavitev iz prebavne cevi je čest medicinski problem in pomemben vzrok obolevnosti in umrljivosti. V prospektivni raziskavi ugotoviti vzroke krvavitev iz prebavne cevi in umrljivost teh bolnikov v desetletnem obdobju v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor. Bolniki in metode. Pri bolnikih, vključenih v raziskavo, smo v obdobju od 1. januarja 1994 do 31. decembra 2003 opravili nujne endoskopske preiskave zgornje prebavne cevi in druge diagnostične postopke za opredelitev vzroka krvavitve iz prebavne cevi. Rezultati. Pregledali smo 6416 bolnikov: 2452 žensk (38,2 %) in 3964 moških (61,8 %), povprečne starosti 59,3 leta, v razponu od 1-106 let, SD 17,2 leta. Pri 2142 bolnikih (33,4 %) smo ob nujni endoskopski preiskavi zgornje prebavne cevi ugotovili sledove sveže ali pretekle krvavitve. Različne oblike endoskopske hemostaze smo izvršili pri 1486 bolnikih (23,2 %). Zapleti peptične razjede so bili vzrok krvavitve pri 36,4 % preiskovancih. Med pogostimi vzroki so bile tudi vnetne, hemoragičnoerozivne spremembe sluznice zgornjih prebavil (16,6 %), refluksna bolezen požiralnika (11,2 %) in raztrgane varice požiralnika (10,7 %). Med redkejšimi vzroki kravitev iz zgornje prebavne cevi so bili različni tumorji (3,8 %), sindrom Mallory-Weiss (2,9 %), polipaste spremembe (1,4 %) in razjeda Dieulafoy (1,3 %). Pri 13,7 % bolnikov smo vzrok krvavitve ugotovili v debelem črevesu, pri 0,4 % pa v tankem črevesu. Več kot polovica naših bolnikov (53,4 %) je bila starejših od 60 let, 11,4 % pa starejših od 80 let. Skupna smrtnost naših bolnikov je bila 9,9 %, večina med njimi (8,5 %) je bila starejša od 60 let s pridruženimi boleznimi in zapleti med zdravljenjem. Zaključki. V predstavljenem obdobju so bili zapleti peptične razjede najpogostejši vzrok krvavitev iz prebavne cevi. Krvavitve iz prebavil so pogoste pri starejših bolnikih s pridruženimi boleznimi, ki neugodno vplivajo na uspešnost zdravljenja in povečajo smrtnost teh bolnikov.
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:str. II-55 - II-61
Numbering:Letn. 75, supl. II
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-56048 New window
ISSN on article:1318-0347
COBISS.SI-ID:2490943 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.12.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Zdravniški vestnik. glasilo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva
Publisher:Slovensko zdravniško društvo
COBISS.SI-ID:32893696 New window

Secondary language

Title:Gastrointestinal hemorrhage - some epidemiological characteristics of patients in the period 1994-2003
Abstract:Background. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage is a frequent medical problem and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this prospective, cohort study, which was carried out at our institution, was to establish the causes of hemorrhage from the digestive tract and mortality during a 10-year period. Patients and methods. The study includes patients with emergency endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract and other diagnostic procedures of the digestive tract due to gastrointestinal hemorrhage between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 2003. Results. 6416 patients were investigated: 2452 women (38.2 %) and 3964 men (61.8 %). The average age of our patients was 59.3 years (a 1-106 year span, SD + 17.2). In 2142 patients (33.4 %), endoscopic investigation of the upper digestive tube revealed signs of acute or traces of previous hemorrhage. Different methods of endoscopic hemostasis were carried out in 1486 cases (23.2 %). Sequelae of ulcer disease were the cause of hemorrhage in 36.4 % of investigated patients. Frequent causes of hemorrhage were also inflammatory, hemorrhagically-erosive changes of the gastric and duodenal mucosa (16.6 %), esophageal reflux disease (11.2 %), ruptured esophageal varices (10.7 %). Less frequent causes of hemorrhage from the upper digestive tract were different tumors (3.8 %), Mallory-Weiss tear (2.9 %), polyps (1.4 %) and Dieulafoy lesion (1.3 %). In 13.7 % of patients the cause of hemorrhage was in the large bowel and in 0.4 % in the small intestine. More than half of our patients (53.4 %) were aged over 60, 11.4 % older than 80 years. The total mortality of our patients was 9.9 %, the majority of them (8.5 %), were older than 60 years, with concommitant diseases and complications during treatment. Conclusions. In the observed period, sequelae of ulcer disease were the most significant cause of gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Hemorrhages are frequent in elderly patients who usually have significant medical conditions which increase mortality.


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