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Title:VPLIV PRIDELOVALNIH SISTEMOV NA PRIDELEK PŠENICE (Triticum aestivum L. var. aestivum) IN PIRE (Triticum aestivum L. var. spelta)
Authors:ID Skledar, Sonja (Author)
ID Bavec, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jakop, Manfred (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Skledar_Sonja_2015.pdf (825,29 KB)
MD5: B34C4AAB2694F74EF5EA2D8EB03FE98A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Različni pridelovalni sistemi vplivajo na pridelek žit in njihove parametre analize klasov. V diplomskem delu so bili analizirani pridelki žit pšenice in pire, v okviru trajnostnega poskusa, ki sta bili pridelani v rastni sezoni ozimnih žit 2011/2012 na UKC Pohorski dvor. Pridelani sta bili v različnih pridelovalnih sistemih: konvencionalni (KON), integrirani (IP), ekološki (EKO), biodinamični (BD) in kontrolno obravnavanje (K). Pridelovalni sistem je statistično značilno vplival na pridelek in na parametre analize klasa tako pri pšenici kot pri piri. Pri pšenici je pridelek K (3,27 kg 10 m-2) statistično značilno manjši od pridelkov KON (5,98 kg 10 m-2), IP (5,49 kg 10 m-2) in BD (4,96 kg 10 m-2). Pri piri je pridelek K (3,94 kg 10 m-2) in EKO (4,19 kg 10 m-2) statistično značilno manjši od pridelka KON (6,05 kg 10 m-2). Pridelovalni sistem je statistično značilno vplival na dolžino klasa, število zrn na klas in maso zrn na klas pšenice, ni pa vplival na število klaskov na klasu pšenice. Pridelovalni sistem je statistično značilno vplival na dolžino klasa in maso zrn na klas pire, ni pa vplival na število klaskov na klas in število zrn na klas.
Keywords:pšenica, pira, pridelovalni sistem, pridelek
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55637 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.12.2015
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Secondary language

Title:THE INFLUENCE OF PRODUCTION SYSTEMS ON YIELD OF WINTER WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L. var. Aestivum) AND SPELT (Triticum aestivum L. var. spelta)
Abstract:Different production systems have an affect on the cereals yield and their spike analysis. The yields of wheat and spelt have been analysed in sustainable expriments. The wheat and spelt were grown during the cereal winter season of 2011/2012 at UKC Pohorski dvor in different production systems: conventional (KON), integrated (IP), organic (EKO), biodynamic (BD) and control (K). The production systems had a statistically typical impact on the yield and on the spike analyses of wheat and spelt. The wheat yield K (3,27 kg 10 m -2) was significantly lower that the yields KON (5,98 kg 10 m -2), IP (5,49 kg 10 m -2) and BD (4,96 kg 10 m -2). The spelt yields K (3,94 kg 10 m -2) and EKO (4,19 kg 10 m -2) were significantly lower that KON (6,05 kg 10 m -2) yield. The production system had a significant effects on the ear lenth, number of ears and grain mas per ear-1 in wheat, but had no significant effects on the number of grains per ear-1of wheat. The production system had a significant effects on ear lenth and grain mas per ear-1 of spelt, but no significant effects on the number of ears and number of grains per ear-1 of spelt.
Keywords:wheat, spelt, production system, yield


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