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Authors:ID Jerič, Maja (Author)
ID Črčinovič Rozman, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kovačič, Bojan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Jeric_Maja_2015.pdf (884,92 KB)
MD5: D4BAB903EE48BF1C4F133498AAC84237
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Popularna glasba se prepleta z različnimi glasbenimi slogi, obenem tudi z ljudsko glasbo. Združevanje popularne glasbe z ljudsko v različnih popularnoglasbenih priredbah najde pot do raznih poslušalcev. Temeljen pomen pri ohranjanju ljudske glasbe med mladimi predstavlja osnovna šola, ki skrbi, da se slovenska kulturna dediščina še naprej ohranja. Šola obenem tudi pripomore k ozaveščanju o različnih popularnoglasbenih priredbah ljudskih pesmi, ki med seboj povezujejo staro ljudsko glasbo in sodobne glasbene sloge. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je z različnih pogledov definirana improvizacija in variacija, nato je opisano povezovanje omenjenih tehnik skozi zgodovinska obdobja vse do danes. Prav tako smo opisali, kako prihaja do njune uporabe v sodobnih glasbenih slogih tako v popularni glasbi kot tudi v priredbah ljudskih pesmi. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela je bilo vključenih 200 štajerskih petošolcev iz sedmih različnih osnovnih šol. Naš namen je bil ugotoviti priljubljenost instrumentalnih priredb ljudskih pesmi pri učencih, kako dobro prepoznavajo instrumentalne priredbe ljudskih pesmi ter kateri elementi so učence ob poslušanju teh posnetkov najbolj pritegnili. Odgovore na vprašalnik smo analizirali in primerjali glede na spol, lokacijo (mesto, vas) in obiskovanje glasbene šole. Raziskava je pokazala, da so deklice bistveno bolje prepoznale naslove instrumentalnih priredb, prav tako tudi učenci iz mesta in učenci, ki obiskujejo glasbeno šolo. V priljubljenosti posnetkov so vse skupine pri vseh priredbah ljudskih pesmi največkrat izbrale posnetek C, ki je bil izvajan v staccato načinu s pridihom popularnega in klasičnega glasbenega sloga ali pa popularnega in jazz glasbenega sloga. Na posnetkih so učence glede na spol, lokacijo in obiskovanje glasbene šole pritegnili podobni elementi, kot so zanimiv ritem, zanimiva spremljava ostalih instrumentov, zanimivo igranje flavte, nekoliko manj pa so jih pritegnili okraski v melodiji in zanimiva melodija. Na podlagi omenjenih rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da se učenci petih razredov glede na demografske parametre med seboj ne razlikujejo v poznavanju in priljubljenosti posnetkov ter glasbenih elementov. Ti rezultati bodo služili kot iztočnica raziskavam, kako pomembno je ohranjanje ljudske glasbe v obliki priredb, zlasti mlajšim generacijam, katerim je potrebno na zanimiv način približati ljudsko glasbo pri pouku glasbene vzgoje.
Keywords:variacija, improvizacija, instrumentalna improvizacija, instrumentalna variacija, priredbe ljudskih pesmi, glasbeni slogi.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Jerič]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55211 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21761288 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.11.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:Popular music is intertwinedwith various musical styles, and also with folk music. Combining popular music with folk music at various popular-music events finds its way to various listeners. Primary schools, which nurture the Slovenian cultural heritage, are very important in preserving folk music among young people. School also contributes to raising awareness about various popular-music events dedicated to folk songs, which connectold folk music and contemporary musicalstyles. In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis we defined improvisation and variation from various aspects, and described the integration of these techniques through historical periods until the present day. We have also described how these two techniques are applied in modern musicalstyles, as regards popular music andfolk song adaptations. In the empirical part of the diploma thesis,the sample includes 200 fifth-graders from seven different primary schools in the region of Štajerska. Our purpose was to determine the popularity of instrumental adaptations of folk songs in pupils, how well they recognize instrumental adaptations of folk songs, and which elements drew the most of their attention as they were listening to music. We analysed the answers given in the questionnaire and compared them according to sex, location (city, village),and whether the pupils attend music school or not. The research shows that girls recognised titles of instrumental adaptations much better than boys, and the same applies to pupils from the city and to those who are attending a music school. As regards the popularity of recordings of folk song adaptations, all groups mostly chose the recording C, which was performed ina staccato manner with a hint of popular and classical musical style, or with a hint of popular and jazz musical style. Irrespective of sex, location and whether they are attending music school or not, the elements of a recording that appealed to pupils are quite similar, such as interesting rhythm, interesting accompaniment of other instruments, interesting flute playing, but they were somewhat less attracted by embellishments in melodies and an interesting melody. On the basis of the above-mentioned results, we can conclude that fifth-grade pupils, if we consider demographic parameters, do not differ from one another in knowing recordingsand in the extent of popularity of recordings and musical elements. These results will serve as an indication for researches as to how important it is to preserve folk music in the form of adaptations, particularly to younger generations, who should be familiarised with folk music in an interesting way at music education classes.
Keywords:variation, improvisation, instrumental improvisation, instrumental variation, folk song adaptations, musical styles.


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