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Title:Učenje slovenščine kot tujega jezika ob podpori mobilnih naprav s tipnim uporabniškim vmesnikom
Authors:ID Pukšič, Dejan (Author)
ID Zemljak Jontes, Melita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Krašna, Marjan (Comentor)
Files:.pdf DOK_Puksic_Dejan_2015.pdf (6,43 MB)
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Slovenski jezik je z osamosvojitvijo Republike Slovenije in kasneje z njeno priključitvijo Evropski uniji postal obveza za mnoge tuje državljane, ki se priseljujejo v Slovenijo zaradi študija ali dela. Ker je izpit iz slovenščine pogoj za pridobitev slovenskih uradnih listin, so tujci v procesu integracije poleg predstavitve zgodovine, institucij, informacij o pravicah in dolžnostih ter delu in življenju v državi gostiteljici deležni tudi jezikovnega izobraževanja in (prvega) brezplačnega izpita na osnovni referenčni ravni; ta jih, če ga opravijo, z vidika govorcev opredeljuje kot uporabnike jezika, ki obvladajo osnovne življenjske okoliščine, tj. ponovljive, rutinske situacije in govorne položaje. Doktorska disertacija Učenje slovenščine kot tujega jezika ob podpori mobilnih naprav s tipnim uporabniškim vmesnikom se tako osredotoča na problem jezikovne integracije tujih študentov iz različnih držav in ga povezuje z mobilnim učenjem oz. m-učenjem, najaktualnejšo obliko individualnega jezikovnega izobraževanja, ki sicer ima evolucijske temelje v e-učenju, vendar pa se zaradi drugačnih okoliščin in tudi tehnološke postavke od njega razlikuje. Čeprav izobraževalne institucije implementirajo nove tehnologije zadržano, je mobilni trend napredoval do te mere, da se najsodobnejša ultraprenosna haptična mobilna tehnologija, ki jo predstavljajo pametni mobilni telefoni in tablični računalniki, v okviru kombiniranih učnih modelov v nekaterih državah že pojavlja v javnem šolstvu. Doktorska disertacija Učenje slovenščine … prinaša vpogled v mobilno učenje slovenskega jezika z mobilno aplikacijo BlaBla™, ki smo jo razvili posebej za potrebe pedagoškega eksperimenta, s katerim smo ugotavljali, kakšne so mobilne uporabniške preference in kakšen potencial ima podporni m-učni modul v okviru organiziranega intenzivnega jezikovnega tečaja EILC (angl. Erasmus Intensive Language Courses). Pred razvojem mobilne aplikacije smo v okviru pilotne študije spremljali dinamični vidik učenja slovenščine kot tujega jezika in raziskali aktualna teoretična izhodišča mobilnega učenja; izsledki so vključeni v zasnovo lastnega uporabniškega vmesnika, s katerim smo želeli m-učenje empirično potrditi kot perspektivno obliko tujejezikovnega izobraževanja.
Keywords:m-učenje, mobilno podprto učenje jezikov (MALL), informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija (IKT), tipni uporabniški vmesnik, slovenščina kot tuji jezik
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Pukšič]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55123 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21654536 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Learning the Slovenian as a foreign language by mobile devices assistance with haptic user interface
Abstract:Slovenian language has become with the independence of the Republic of Slovenia and later with its accession to the European Union an imperative for many foreign nationals immigrating into Slovenia to study or work. Since the examination in Slovene is a condition to obtain formal residential documentation, foreigners in addition to the presentation of the history, institutions, information about rights and obligations as well as about work and living in the host country in the process of integration also receive language education and the (first) free exam on basic reference level. If successfully carried out, in terms of speakers it defines them as the language-users in order to manage the basic living circumstances, i.e. repeatable, routine situations and language positions. Doctoral dissertation Learning the Slovenian as a foreign language by mobile devices assistance with haptic user interface is focused on the problem of linguistic integration of foreign students from different countries and connects it to a mobile learning or ‘M-learning’, the latest form of individual language education that otherwise has evolutionary foundations in E-learning, but due to different circumstances and technological items varies from it. Although educational institutions implement new technologies withheld, the mobile trend progressed to such an extent that the latest ultra-portable haptic mobile technology, posed by smart mobile phones and tablet computers, in the context of combined teaching models in some countries already appears in public education. Doctoral dissertation Learning the Slovenian ... brings insight into mobile learning Slovenian language with a mobile app BlaBla™, which was developed specifically for the needs of pedagogical experiment in which we determined, what are the mobile user preferences and what potential has supporting M-learning module as part of an organized intensive language course EILC (Erasmus Intensive Language Courses). Prior to the development of mobile applications we have monitored in the pilot study the dynamic aspect of learning Slovene as a foreign language and researched current theoretical foundations of mobile learning; results are included in the concept of its own user interface, with which we wanted to confirm M-learning empirically as a promising form of foreign language education.
Keywords:m-learning, mobile-assisted language learning (MALL), information and communications technology (ICT), haptic user interface, Slovenian as foreign language


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