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Title:Kompetence sodobnega prevajalca in zaposlitvene možnosti v RS
Authors:ID Hren, Štefani (Author)
ID Kučiš, Vlasta (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Hren_Stefani_2015.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: 849F7239D9BB66210C9C904A1776C310
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Diplomsko delo raziskuje kompetence sodobnih prevajalcev ter njihove zaposlitvene možnosti v Sloveniji. V teoretičnem delu smo se osredotočili na kompetence prevajalca. Predstavili smo tudi status prevajalca in stanje zaposlovanja prevajalcev v Sloveniji ter tako postavili temelje naši raziskavi. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika iskali podatke, ki dajejo vpogled na stanje zaposljivosti prevajalcev. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kaj vpliva na zaposljivost prevajalca, kakšna oblika sodelovanja z zunanjimi sodelavci prevladuje ter po katerih prevajalcih je največje povpraševanje. Nadalje nas je zanimalo sodelovanje prevajalskih podjetij s študenti prevajalstva, spraševali smo po najpomembnejših kompetencah prevajalca ter jezikovnih kombinacijah, po katerih je trenutno največje povpraševanje. Za konec nas je zanimalo, ali menijo, da je poklic prevajalca v Sloveniji cenjen, ter njihovo mnenje glede reguliranosti tega poklica. Večino postavljenih hipotez smo s pomočjo pridobljenih podatkov lahko potrdili. Ugotovili smo, da večina prevajalskih podjetij raje kot zaposluje, sodeluje z zunanjimi sodelavci, in sicer prek avtorske pogodbe, ki je najbolj ugodna oblika sodelovanja. Trenutno je največje povpraševanje po prevajalcih strokovnih besedil z jezikovno kombinacijo angleščina/nemščina/slovenščina. Sodoben prevajalec mora po mnenju anketiranih imeti zelo dobro razvito jezikovno kompetenco, saj je ta najpomembnejša za uspešno prevajanje. Čeprav študenti prevodoslovja tekom študija pridobijo veliko znanj, pa večina prevajalskih podjetij ne želi sodelovati z njimi, saj imajo po njihovem mnenju premalo izkušenj. Delo prevajalca je zelo zahtevno in zahteva veliko spretnosti in časa, kljub temu pa rezultati kažejo, da v Sloveniji poklic prevajalca ni cenjen. Ugledu škodijo predvsem t. i. samooklicani prevajalci, ki velikokrat povzročajo nelojalno konkurenco.
Keywords:kompetence prevajalca, zaposlovanje, oblika sodelovanja, reguliranost poklica.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Š. Hren]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55087 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21687048 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Translator´s Competence Profile and Employment Opportunities in the Republic of Slovenia
Abstract:The graduation thesis explores competences of translators and their employment opportunities in Slovenia. In the empirical part, the focus was on translator’s competences, his status and employment opportunities in Slovenia. This way the foundation for our research was made. The empirical part consists of a questionnaire which gives us an insight into the employability of translators. Our main interests were to find what affects the employability the most, what forms of cooperation prevail and which kind of translators are at the moment most in demand. We were interested in the cooperation between students and translation companies as well. Furthermore, our aim was to find the most important competences for a translator and the most wanted language combinations. For us, it was also important to find out whether the translation profession is respected in Slovenia or not, and what opinion the translation companies have regarding the regulation of this profession. The results show that nearly all hypotheses can be confirmed. It was established that translation companies prefer to cooperate with external translators via copyright contracts as it is the most beneficial form of cooperation. Currently, translators of technical texts with language combinations English/German/Slovene are still the most wanted ones. According to the research, a good translator should have a very well developed linguistic competence. Further, translation companies do not want to cooperate with students of translation studies according to lack of experience. Despite having a challenging work requiring a lot of time and skills, the results show that the translation profession is not respected in Slovenia. Translating companies see the main problem in the so-called self-appointed translators who often cause unfair competition and slowly destroy the reputation of this once well respected profession.
Keywords:translator's competences, employment, forms of cooperation, regulation of the profession.


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