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Authors:ID Fošnarič, Kaja (Author)
ID Petek, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Fosnaric_Kaja_2015.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: FA8D61BADE30743A95A4837DFE1F8559
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Načrtovanje naravoslovnih dejavnosti v predšolskem obdobju je v teoretičnem delu predstavljen Kurikulum za vrtce s področja naravoslovja. Temu sledi sklop, v katerem preučujemo strukturo didaktične priprave za naravoslovno dejavnost. Podrobneje so izpostavljeni cilji, vsebine, metode in oblike dela, artikulacija in evalvacija didaktične priprave. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena priprava za naravoslovno dejavnost, izdelana na osnovi primerjalne analize nekaterih strokovnjakov iz področja didaktike. Empirični del predstavlja raziskava. Z anketiranjem vzgojiteljev smo pridobili podatke o tem, kako vzgojitelji v svojih pripravah načrtujejo naravoslovne vsebine. Anketne vprašalnike smo razdelili v vse enote vrtca Ivana Glinška v Mariboru. S pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov smo ugotavljali: kako vzgojitelj najpogosteje zapiše svoje dnevno pedagoško delo v skupini; kaj je temeljno izhodišče vzgojiteljevega načrtovanja na področju narave; katere oblike dela največkrat vsebuje vzgojiteljeva priprava za področje narave; katere metode dela največkrat vsebuje vzgojiteljeva priprava za področje narave; ali priprava vzgojitelja vsebuje cilje, kot so navedeni v Kurikulumu, ali cilje za posamezno dejavnost predlaga sam; ali vzgojitelj v svoji pripravi načrtuje evalvacijo naravoslovne dejavnosti. Izsledke anketiranja smo predstavili kvantitativno, in sicer v obliki grafov in tabel.
Keywords:narava, predšolska vzgoja, načrtovanje vzgojiteljic, dnevna priprava.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Fošnarič]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55057 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21786376 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.12.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis, titled Planning of preschool natural science activities, is in the theoretical part presented in a form of curriculum for kindergartens in the field of natural sciences, which is then followed by the part which explores the structure of a didactic lesson plan for natural science activity. Objectives, the content of methodology, forms of work, articulation and evaluation of didactic lesson planning are more closely emphasized. Continuation of the thesis introduces planning for natural science activity and it's elaborated on the basis of the comparative analysis by some of the experts in the field of didactics. Empirical part comprises of a research which helped us to get data on the process of planning of natural science content in the teacher’s lesson plan. Questionnaires were distributed to all units of Ivan Glinšek kindergarten in Maribor. We were trying to determine: which is the most common way for a teacher to write down its daily educational work in a group; what is the fundamental starting point of the teacher's planning process for natural science; what forms of work does lesson plan for natural science most commonly entail; which work methods does lesson plan for natural science most commonly entail; does the teacher’s lesson plan comprise of the objectives specified in the curriculum, and does the teacher itself suggests objectives for individual activities; does the teacher’s plan entail an evaluation of natural science activity. The survey findings are presented quantitatively in the form of graphs and tables.
Keywords:Nature, preschool education, teacher’s lesson planning, daily preparation.


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