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Authors:ID Šmigoc, Jurij (Author)
ID Bavec, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 31103469575B0F011091AE4C0DCDAF7F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Preverjanje uporabe klorofilmerskih odčitkov pri dognojevanju pšenice UDK: 633,11:53.08:546.17(043.2)=163.6 S pomočjo literature in rezultatov meritev tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini smo primerjali primernost klorofilmerskih odčitkov za napovedovanje dognojevanja ozimne pšenice v naših razmerah. Klorofilmerski odčitki lahko predstavljajo zelo enostaven in hiter način za preverjanje potreb po dognojevanju pri žitih. Z namenom preveriti, kako dognojevanje vpliva na rezultate klorofil merskih odčitkov in končni pridelek, so bila uporabljena gnojilna okna (O) brez dognojevanja, A – 100 kg/ha KAN 27%, B – dvakrat dognojevano 300 kg/ha KAN 27%, C – tri krat dognojevano 320 kg/ha KAN 27% na treh lokacijah, v fazi EC 32/33 x odmerek nespremenjen med lokacijami, v EC 45/50 prav tako odmerek nespremenjen med lokacijami. Glede na klorofilmerske odčitke smo najvišje vrednosti izmerili na gnojilnih oknih C v EC 45/50, ki so bila dognojevana trikrat 508±20,58, nekoliko manj pri B, 467±17,36 vrednosti, pri A dognojevanju 452±11,83, najmanjša vrednost se je pojavila na (O) na nedognojevanih gnojilnih oknih 411±9,99. Prav tako so bile meritve v fazi EC 30/32 najvišje pri posevku, ki je bil dognojevan 444±18,28, in najmanj pri negnojenem obravnavanju 338±9,99. Analiza klasov kaže, da so vrednosti klorofilmetra v tesni povezavi s končnim pridelkom. Te čvrste korelacijske povezave v EC 30/32 in v fazi 45/50 med klorofilmerskimi odčitki in pridelkom dajejo rezultate, da se lahko klorofilmerski odčitki uporabljajo za napovedovanje dognojevanja pšenice tudi v naših razmerah.
Keywords:pšenica, klorofilmeter, dušik
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-55016 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.10.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:Review of the application klorofilmerskih readings top dressing wheat Through literature and of the results, we compared the suitability of chlorophyll meter readings to predict top dressing of winter wheat. Chlorophyll meter readings may represent a simple and rapid procedure for optimization of top dressing in cereals. With the effect of chlorophyll meter readings (at with the treatments: (0) without dressing, A -100 kg/ha KAN 27%, B - twice fertilizing 300 kg/ha KAN 27% C - three times fertilizing 320 kg/ha KAN 27%) an jeld formation the field trials were caried stages the N doses did not varied at three locations. At the EC 32/33 and EC 45/50 dose the N doseses did not varied between locations. According to chlorophyll meter readings the highest values were found on fertilizer windows C 45/50 EC which have been fertilizing three 508±20.58, slightly lower in B, (467±17.36) value, lover in treatment A fertilizing (452±11.83) end the lowest in (0) in (411±9.99). Also manalyses were made at the stage of EC 30/32 (444±18.28), and at least in the unfertilized treatment of 338±9.99. These results are comparable with some results in literature. Analysis of the spikes indicates that the value of the chlorophyll meter has a firm correlations with the in close connection with the field. These firm correlation at the stages the EC 30/32 and 45/50 showed that chlorophyll meter readings are suitable for prediction of in treatment at top dressing in wheat fon our conditions
Keywords:wheat, klorofilmeter, nitrogen


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