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Title:Ugotavljanje praga zaznavanja razlik v jabolčnem soku z metodo senzoričnega trikotnika
Authors:ID Lepej, Laura (Author)
ID Unuk, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Lepej_Laura_2015.pdf (890,63 KB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V januarju in februarju 2015 smo z metodo senzoričnega trikotnika ugotavljali prag zaznavanja razlik v jabolčnem soku sorte 'Jonagold'. Preizkus v iskanju »vsiljivca« smo opravili z osnovnošolskimi otroki, študenti in odraslimi. Za prvi trikotnik smo jabolčni sok razredčili z vodo na 85 %, za drugega na 70 %, za tretji trikotnik smo dodali citronsko kislino v odmerku 0,9 g/L in za četrti citronsko kislino v odmerku 1,35 g/L. Vzorce smo nalili v oštevilčene kozarce po določenih zaporedjih. Dokazali smo, da so bile razlike v vseh štirih trikotnikih zaznavne. Pri prepoznavanju vsiljivca so bili v prvih treh trikotnikih odrasli uspešnejši od otrok in študentov. Pri razredčitvah z vodo so vsi preskuševalci lažje prepoznali vsiljivca pri večji razredčitvi. Pri dodatkih citronske kisline pa je več preskuševalcev prepoznalo vsiljivca pri manjšem dodatku kisline. Na splošno so vsiljivca največkrat prepoznali odrasli preskuševalci, glede na spol pa deklice v skupini osnovnošolskih otrok.
Keywords:jabolčni sok, senzorično ocenjevanje, senzorični trikotnik, prag zaznavanja okusa, citronska kislina
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54821 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of sensory thresholds in apple juice with the sensory triangle method
Abstract:In January and February 2015 we observed the threshold perception of differences in apple juice variety 'Jonagold' with the sensory triangle test method. The examination of finding the »intruder« was carried out with primary school children, students and adults. For the first and second triangle we diluted the juice with water to 85 % and to 70 %, in the third and fourth triangle we added 0,9 g/L and 1,35 g/L citric acid. We poured the samples into numbered glasses in specific sequences. We proved that there were significant differences detectable in all four triangles. In the first three triangles adults were better in identifying the intruder than children and students. All participants found easily the intruder in diluted juice with more water. More participants found the intruder in the triangle with less added citric acid. Overall adults were the most successful group. When compared by gender girls among schoolchildren were the most successful.
Keywords:apple juice, sensory evaluation, sensory triangle test, taste threshold, citric acid


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