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Authors:ID Breznik, Marko (Author)
ID Vršič, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pulko, Borut (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Breznik_Marko_2015.pdf (1,54 MB)
MD5: C2E1DC5AD864338B0B2ADCA33F6A1ED3
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo proučevali, kako različni načini oskrbe vinogradnih tal (ozelenitev tal, uporaba herbicidov v vrsti in po celotni površini, zastiranje tal s slamo, plitva obdelava tal v primerjavi s travnikom) vplivajo na število in maso deževnikov v različnih horizontih tal (od 0 do 15, 15 do 30, 30 do 45 in 45 do 60 cm). Deževnike smo tudi vizualno razvrstili glede na velikost (mali, srednji, veliki). Poskus je bil izveden v letu 2014 in 2015 v vinogradu v vinorodnem podokolišu Srednje Slovenske gorice (vinogradništvo Breznik, Komarnica v Občini Cerkvenjak) v štirih ponovitvah. Najmanjše število in masa deževnikov je bila v herbicidnem pasu v vseh terminih vzorčenja. V prvem terminu (22. 5. 2014) je bilo največje število deževnikov v ozelenjenih tleh (225/m2), v drugem (13. 10. 2014) in tretjem (9. 8. 2014) terminu pa v obravnavanju herbicid (268/m2) oziroma (218/m2). V vseh terminih v letu 2014 je bila največja masa deževnikov v ozelenjenih tleh. V letu 2015 je bilo pri spomladanskem vzorčenju (13. 6. 2015) največ deževnikov na travniku (kontrola), največja masa deževnikov pa pri uporabi herbicida po celotni površini. Najmanjše število deževnikov v zgornjem horizontu tal do 15 cm globine je bilo v herbicidnem pasu (73/m2), največ pa na travniku izven vinograda (192/m2). Najnižjo temperaturo tal v zgornjem horizontu tal do 15 cm globine smo je bila pri zastirki iz slame (15,3 °C). Najvišja temperatura je bila so bile v plitvo obdelanih tleh (25,5 °C) in pri uporabi herbicida v vrsti (24,0 °C) ter po celotni površini (24,3 °C).
Keywords:vinograd, oskrba tal, deževniki, temperatura tal
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54783 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of Different Vineyard Soil Management Systems on the Earthworm Population
Abstract:In this study we examined how the different soil management systems (the permanent green cover, the use of herbicides within the rows and the entire surface, soil cover with straw, shallow soil tillage compared with lawn) impact on the number and weight of earthworms in various horizons of the soil (0 to 15, 15 to 30, 30 to 45 and 45 to 60 cm). Earthworms were visually classified according to the size (small, medium, large). The experiment was carried out in 2014 and 2015 in a vineyard in the winegrowing region of Srednje Slovenske gorice (Winery Breznik from Komarnica) in four replications. A minimum number and weight of the earthworms was present in the herbicidal zone within rows at all times of sampling. The largest number of earthworms in the permanent green cover (225/m2) was present during the first sampling period (22. 5. 2014). The largest number of earthworm’s in the second (13. 10. 2014) and third (9. 8. 2014) sampling period was in the treatments with the use of herbicides on the entire surface, 268/m2 and 218/m2 respectively. The mass of earthworms in the permanent green cover was largest during all the periods in 2014. In 2015, during the spring sampling (13. 6. 2015), the highest number of earthworms was in the treatment lawn (control) and the highest weight of earthworms was in the treatment with use of herbicide on the entire surface. The lowest number of earthworms in the upper horizon of the soil, up to 15 cm in depth, was in the herbicidal zone within rows (73/m2) and the highest number was on the lawn outside vineyard (192/m2). The lowest temperature of the soil in the upper horizon, down to 15 cm in depth was measured in the straw mulch (15.3 °C). Temperatures were higher in the treatments with the shallow cultivated soil (25.5 °C), the use of herbicides within rows (24 °C) and entire surface (24.3 °C).
Keywords:vineyard, soil management systems, earthworms, soil temperaturs


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