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Title:Spektrofotometrične metode za določanje antioksidativnosti spojin, namenjenih obdelavi tekstilnih materialov
Authors:ID Barber, Sara (Author)
ID Šauperl, Olivera (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Volmajer Valh, Julija (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Barber_Sara_2015.pdf (1,04 MB)
MD5: 37836516979C1BF9C0F20724F389A265
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Za zaščito tekstilnih materialov pred delovanjem mikroorganizmov in za dosego njihove antioksidativnosti se vse bolj opiramo na različne naravno učinkovite spojine s sposobnostjo protimikrobnega in antioksidativnega delovanja. Med naravnimi sredstvi z dokazano protimikrobnim delovanjem so zelo zanimive naravne spojine, kot so hitozan, oleuropein, eugenol, in druga eterična olja rastlin, ki veljajo za ljudem in okolju prijazne spojine. Zaščita tekstilnih materialov z naravnimi spojinami z namenom zaščite pred delovanjem mikroorganizmov je relativno dobro vpeljana na področje obdelave tekstilnih materialov, ker pa se mnogim naravnim spojinam pripisuje tudi antioksidativno delovanje, je smiselno njihovo antioksidativno učinkovitost dejansko tudi preveriti. Za »in vitro« določevanje antioksidativnega potenciala teh spojin za potencialno rabo na področju funkcionalizacije tekstilnih materialov se je potrebno opreti na metode s pomočjo katerih je možno antioksidativnost preverjati oziroma vrednotiti, tako da je možno na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov sklepati na boljšo ali slabšo antioksidativno učinkovitost uporabljene spojine. Iz tega razloga je diplomska naloga izpeljana v smislu uporabe treh vrst spektrofotometričnih metod za določanje antioksidativnosti spojin, kot so to hitozan, oleuropein in eugenol, ki so bili v zadnjih letih pogosto zastopani v postopku obdelave različnih tekstilnih substratov. Na osnovi rezultatov spektrofotometričnih metod, in sicer: Folin-Ciocalteu metode, analize sposobnosti redukcije in na osnovi analize sposobnosti lovljenja prostih radikalov DPPH• je bila ovrednotena antioksidativna učinkovitost testiranih spojin v smislu boljše oziroma slabše antioksidativnosti. Rezultati posameznih metod so bili temeljito proučeni na osnovi trendov naraščanja ali upadanja antioksidativne zaščite po posamezni metodi. Ugotovljeno je, da je izmed vseh testiranih spojin najbolj antioksidativno aktiven eugenol, ki mu sledi oleuropein. Nasprotno, izkazuje hitozan le malenkostno antioksidativno delovanje.
Keywords:hitozan, oleuropein, eugenol, Folin-Ciocalteu, analiza sposobnosti redukcije, 2, 2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil radikal (DPPH•)
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Barber]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54391 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19141910 New window
Publication date in DKUM:27.10.2015
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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Secondary language

Title:Spectrophotometric methods for antioxidative properties determinaton of compounds for textile materials' use
Abstract:In order to create textile materials resistance against micro-organisms together with antioxidive properties there are many natural compounds that can be explored for these purposes. Among natural compounds with proven antimicrobial properties there are very interesting substances such as, chitosan, oleuropein, eugenol, together with other essential oils of plants that are friendly to humans and environment. Protection of textile materials by using natural compounds in order to protect textile materials from the action of micro-organisms is relatively well established in the field of textile industry. Since many of natural compounds are also antioxidant active, it is reasonable to verify their antioxidant efficiency as well. For »in vitro« determination of the antioxidant potential of separate compound for potential use in the field of textile materials' functionalization it is necessary to rely on the methods by which it is possible to conclude on its actual antioxidant property. In this way, basing on results obtained by a certain method, it is possible to conclude on better or lower antioxidant efficiency of compound used for textile material functionalization. From this reason presented research work was carried out in term of the three types of spectrophotometric methods use suitable for determination of antioxidant capacity of compounds i.e. chitosan, oleuropein and eugenol, which has been recently often used in the process of different textile substrates treatment. Based on results of different spectrophotometric methods, i.e. the Folin-Ciocalteu method, reduction ability analysis, and DPPH• (analysis of ability to capture radicals) antioxidant compounds were evaluated in the term of better-worse. Results of each of the method were thoroughly examined on the basis of the trend of antioxidant property increase-decrease. It is found out that among all of tested compounds the most antioxidant active is eugenol, followed by oleuropein. Contrary to that, chitosan exhibits only slightly antioxidant activity.
Keywords:chitosan, oleuropein, eugenol, Folin-Ciocalteu, reduction ability analysis, 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radikal (DPPH•)


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