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Title:Primerjalna analiza sistemov za upravljanje z vsebinami
Authors:ID Markovič, Damjan (Author)
ID Fister, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Markovic_Damjan_2015.pdf (1,95 MB)
MD5: C7644F74FB8B470D7381787D68DF555F
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Izbira pravega orodja za izdelavo spletne strani predstavlja zahtevno odločitev. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na analizo treh najbolj razširjenih sistemov za upravljanje z vsebinami in jih primerjali s treh vidikov, in sicer z razvojnega, skrbniško/uporabniškega ter sistemskega vidika. Preučili smo njihovo teoretično ozadje in ga nadgradili z ugotovitvami in izkušnjami, ki smo jih pridobili z razvojem in uporabo sistemov za upravljanje z vsebinami. Temu smo dodali še rezultate sistemskih meritev in tako dobili zelo obsežno, celovito in splošno uporabno primerjalno analizo. Sisteme smo primerjali z vsakega vidika posebej, na koncu smo pa rezultate primerjav povzeli in konkretne ugotovitve predstavili na objektiven način, s ciljem olajšanja izbire najprimernejšega sistema CMS za razvijalce, skrbnike spletnih strani in sistemske administratorje.
Keywords:sistemi za upravljanje z vsebinami, primerjalna analiza, CMS, WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:D. Markovič
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-54236 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19282198 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2015
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of content management systems
Abstract:Choosing the best tool to build a website with is a difficult process. In our thesis we have focused on the three most popular content management systems and compared them from three perspectives, i.e. from development, administrator/user and systemic perspective. We have studied the theoretical background of the systems and upgraded it with our findings and experience, which we acquired while developing and using content management systems. We extended the comparison with the results of systemic measurements, which resulted in a very comprehensive and generally applicable comparison. We have compared the systems from each perspective separately. At the end of our thesis we have summarized the results of the comparison and presented our findings in an objective manner, with the goal of making the decision of selecting the most appropriate CMS easier for developers, website administrators and system administrators.
Keywords:content management system, comparative analysis, CMS, WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal


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