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Title:Schottkyjeva bariera : moderni pogledi na star problem
Authors:ID Korošak, Dean (Author)
ID Cvikl, Bruno (Author)
Files:URL http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-I5FZNJ1M
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:The description of the metal semiconductor contact in the framework of the general model incorporating the interfacial control layer between the metal and the ordered semiconductor is given. Special attention is given to the iCB Schottky structures for nonzero acceleration voltage featuring the disordered interfacial control layer characterized by the metal atoms incorporated into the semiconductor lattice and the DIGS continuum. The expression for the Schottky barrier height variation in ICB structures is given.
Keywords:površine, kovine, polprevodniki, tanke plasti
Publisher:Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije
Year of publishing:1998
Number of pages:str. 17-20
Numbering:let. 18, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-53334 New window
ISSN on article:0351-9716
COBISS.SI-ID:13500967 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Vakuumist
Publisher:Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:16059650 New window

Secondary language

Title:Schottky barrier - modern views on an old problem (Part I)
Abstract:V prispevku je podan opis stika med kovino in polprevodnikom v okviru splošnega modela stika z vmesno kontrolno plastjo. Posebej so poudarjene lastnosti stika, narejenega po metodi CIS, kjer pride do nastanka neurejene kontrolne plasti, karakterizirane s kovinskimi atomi, vgrajenimi v kristalno mrežo polprevodnika in kontinuumom lokaliziranih elektronskih stanj, induciranih z neredom v kontrolni plasti. Podan je izraz za variacijo višine Schottkyjeve bariere v CIS-kontaktih.


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