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Title:Mednarodni standardi - veličine in enote (ISO 31-0 do 31-13)
Authors:ID Glavič, Peter (Author)
Files:URL http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-IBZBJJPZ
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:In this paper the international standards ISO 31 (Quantities and units) are presented with the following parts: ISO 31-0 (General principles), ISO 31-1 (Space and time), ISO 31-2 (Periodic and related phenomena), ISO 31-3 (Mechanics), ISO 31-4 (Heat), ISO 31-5 (Electricity and magnetism), ISO 31-8 (Physical chemistry and molecular physics), ISO 31-12 (Characteristic numbers)and others. The emphasis is given on the basic principles, which is important for writing of reports, presentations, articles , books and for education.
Keywords:kemijska procesna tehnika, standardi, veličine, enote
Publisher:Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije
Year of publishing:2002
Number of pages:str. 17-23
Numbering:Let. 22, št. 4
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-53180 New window
ISSN on article:0351-9716
COBISS.SI-ID:17321255 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
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Shortened title:Vakuumist
Publisher:Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:16059650 New window

Secondary language

Title:International standards - quantities and units (ISO 31-0 to 31-13)
Abstract:V prispevku so predstavljeni mednarodni standardi ISO 31 (Veličine in enote) z naslednjimi deli: ISO 31-0 (Splošna načela), ISO 31-1 (Prostor in čas), ISO 31-2 (Periodični in sorodni pojavi), ISO 31-3 (Mehanika), ISO 31-4 (Toplota), ISO 31-5 (Elektrika in magnetizem), ISO 31-8 (Fizikalna kemija in molekulska fizika), ISO 31-12 (Karakteristična števila) in drugimi. Poudarek je na splošnih načelih, ki so pimembna za pisanje poročil, referatov, člankov, knjigin za pedagoški proces.


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