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Title:Regression analysis of variables describing poultry meat supply in European countries
Authors:ID Simonič, Miro (Author)
ID Dumičić, Ksenija (Author)
ID Devetak, Gabrijel (Author)
Files:.pdf Organizacija_2012_Simonic,_Dumicic,_Devetak_Regression_Analysis_of_Variables_Describing_Poultry_Meat_Supply_in_European_Countries.pdf (780,46 KB)
MD5: 899392C8638162644154659056B4D641
URL http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/orga.2012.45.issue-6/v10051-012-0028-y/v10051-012-0028-y.xml
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:In this paper, based on the analysis of official FAOSTAT and EUROSTAT data on poultry meat for 38 European countries for years 2007 and 2009, two hypotheses were examined. Firstly, considering four clustering variables on poultry meat, i.e. production, export and import in kg/capita, as well as the producer price in US $/t, using descriptive exploratory and cluster analysis, the hypothesis that the clusters of countries may be recognized was confirmed. As a result six clusters of similar countries were distinguished. Secondly, based on multiple regression analysis, this paper proofs that there exists the statistically significant relationship of poultry meat production on export and import of that kind of meat, all measured in kg/capita. There is also a high correlation between production, as a dependent, and each of two independent variables.
Keywords:poultry meat, marketing strategy, cluster analysis, correlation, multiple regression
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2012
Number of pages:str. 289-299
Numbering:Letn. 45, št. 6
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-52169 New window
ISSN on article:1318-5454
COBISS.SI-ID:7091219 New window
DOI:10.2478/v10051-012-0028-y New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Organizacija : revija za management, informatiko in kadre
Shortened title:Organizacija
Publisher:Moderna organizacija
COBISS.SI-ID:610909 New window


License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:10.07.2015

Secondary language

Title:Regresijska analiza variabel, ki opisujejo oskrbo s perutninskim mesom v evropskih državah
Abstract:V dokumentu, ki temelji na analizi uradnih podatkov Faostat-a in Eurostat-a za perutninsko meso 38 evropskih držav, zajetih za leti 2007 in 2009, sta bili proučevani dve hipotezi. V prvi, ki obravnava štiri spremenljivke, ki se nanašajo na proizvodnjo, izvoz, uvoz perutninskega mesa v kg/prebivalca, kot tudi na proizvodno ceno, izraženo v US $/t, so bile raziskovane navedene države z uporabo deskriptivne in klaster analize. Hipoteza, da lahko te države razvrstimo po skladnosti v klasterje, je bila potrjena. Kot rezultat analize, so države po skladnosti spremenljivk razvrščene v šest klasterjev. Druga, ki na osnovi multiple regresijske analize raziskuje, da v tem dokumentu obstaja statistično signifikantno razmerje med proizvodnjo, izvozom in uvozom perutninskega mesa, merjeno v kg/prebivalca. Ugotovljeno je, da obstaja visoka korelacija med proizvodnjo, kot odvisno spremenljivko in med vsako od neodvisnih spremenljivk.
Keywords:perutninsko meso, strategija trženja, klaster analiza, korelacija, multipla regresija


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  1. Organizacija


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