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Title:On bilinear maps on matrices with applications to commutativity preservers
Authors:ID Brešar, Matej (Author)
ID Šemrl, Peter (Author)
Files:URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2005.11.002
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Naj bo ▫$M_n$▫ algebra vseh ▫$n times n$▫ matrik nad komutativnim enotskim kolobarjem ▫$mathcal{C}$▫, and naj bo ▫$mathcal{L}$▫ modul nad ▫$mathcal{C}$▫. Podane so različne karakterizacije bilinearnih preslikav ▫${,.,,,.,}: M_n times M_n to mathcal{L}$▫ z lastnostjo, da je ▫${x,y} = 0$▫, kadarkoli ▫$x$▫ in ▫$y$▫ komutirata. Kot glavno aplikacijo dobimo dokončno rešitev problema opisa (ne nujno bijektivnih) linearnih ohranjevalcev komutativnosti iz ▫$M_n$▫ v ▫$M_n$▫ za primer, ko je ▫$mathcal{C}$▫ poljubno polje; še več, enak opis velja v vsaki končno razsežni centralni enostavni algebri.
Keywords:matematika, matrična algebra, bilinearna preslikava, ohranjevalec komutativnosti, funkcijska identiteta, neasociativni produkt, centralna enostavna algebra, mathematics, matrix algebra, central simple algebra, functional identity, nonassociative product, Lie-admissible algebra, commutativity preserving map
Year of publishing:2006
Number of pages:str. 803-837
Numbering:Vol. 301, no 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-51552 New window
ISSN on article:0021-8693
COBISS.SI-ID:13984857 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Journal of algebra
Shortened title:J. algebra
Publisher:Academic Press
COBISS.SI-ID:1310986 New window

Secondary language

Title:O blinearnih preslikavah na matrikah in aplikacije v teoriji ohranjevalcev komutativnosti
Abstract:Let ▫$M_n$▫ be the algebra of all ▫$n times n$▫ matrices over a commutative unital ring ▫$mathcal{C}$▫, and let ▫$mathcal{L}$▫ be a ▫$mathcal{C}$▫-module. Various characterizations of bilinear maps ▫${,.,,,.,}: M_n times M_n to mathcal{L}$▫ with the property that ▫${x,y} = 0$▫ whenever ▫$x$▫ any ▫$y$▫ commute are given. As the main application of this result we obtain the definitive solution of the problem of describing (not necessarily bijective) commutativity preserving linear maps from ▫$M_n$▫ into ▫$M_n$▫ for the case where ▫$mathcal{C}$▫ is an arbitrary field; moreover, this description is valid in every finite dimensional central simple algebra.


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