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Title:Operativni in psihološki vidik preiskovanja samomora : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Car, Željko (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Zupančič, Viktor (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Car_Zeljko_2015.pdf (522,55 KB)
MD5: 35DDD46F1BE4FE4908E07E99B22C407E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomsko delo Operativni in psihološki vidik preiskovanja samomora predstavlja prepletanje dveh različnih disciplinarnih vej – psihologije in kriminalistike. V prvem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljeno, kaj je samomor in pravni pogled na storitev samomora kot takega. V nadaljevanju je opisana razvrstitev samomora po Durkheimu, francoskem sociologu, ki je eden izmed prvih preučeval samomor z znanstvenega vidika. Sledi del, kjer so opisani najpogostejši načini samomorov na Slovenskem. Obsežnejši del diplomskega dela je posvečen operativnemu vidiku preiskovanja samomorov. Opisana je pomembnost prihoda na kraj samomora in o ukrepih, ki se izvajajo ali opustijo ob začetku preiskave. V nadaljevanju je opisan dinamičen in statičen del ogleda kraja samomora in pomembnost zbiranja obvestil, ugotavljanja istovetnosti in motiva za storitev samomora. Za preiskavo samomora so pomembne okoliščine, ki kažejo na samomor ali proti njemu (fingiran samomor), zato te opišemo. Obdukcija kot taka ima izreden pomen pri preiskovanju samomorov, zato sledi del, kjer je opisana ogledna mrliška dejavnost. Sledi poglavje, ki podrobneje obravnava kondicijsko in psihološko pripravljenost preiskovalcev. V drugem delu so predstavljeni psihološki dejavniki, čustva in fiziološke spremembe, ki se med preiskavo samomora pojavljajo tako pri preiskovalcih, kakor tudi pri osebah, ki so vpete v preiskavo samomora. Prepoznavanje laganja oseb pri preiskavi samomora je izrednega pomena. V nadaljevanju so opisane značilnosti vedenja oseb, ki lažejo, zavajajo ali nekaj prikrivajo. Sledi opis o najzahtevnejšem delu, ki ga preiskovalec opravlja, in to je obveščanje svojcev pokojne osebe. Na koncu diplomskega dela predstavimo intervjuje, sledi razprava oziroma preveritev zastavljenih hipotez in zaključne misli diplomskega dela.
Keywords:samomori, preiskovanje, preiskovalci, priče, čustveni dejavniki, kognitivni dejavniki, psihološki vidik, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:Ž. Car]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:70 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48580 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3001578 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.09.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis titled Operational and psychological aspect of the suicide investigation presents the interweaving of two different disciplinary branches - psychology and criminology. In the first part of the thesis, there is the presentation of what is a suicide and the legal aspect of committing the suicide. In the following, there is the description of the classification of the suicide according to Durkheim, a French sociologist who was one of the first to study the suicide from a scientific perspective. In the following part, the most common methods of committing a suicide in Slovenia are described. An extensive part of the thesis is devoted to the operational aspect of the suicide investigation. The importance of the arrival to the place of the suicide and the measures to be carried out or waived at the initiation of the investigation are described. In the following, the dynamic and static part of the investigation of the place of the suicide and the importance of gathering information, identification and motive for committing a suicide are described. For the investigation of a suicide, the circumstances that indicate a suicide or against it (feigned suicide) are important therefore they must be described. The autopsy as such is of an extraordinary importance in the investigation of suicides; therefore, the next part describes the post mortem examination service. The following chapter elaborates on the physical condition and psychological preparedness of the investigators. In the second part of the thesis, the psychological factors, emotions and physiological changes that occur during the suicide investigation both to the investigators as well as to the persons who are included in the suicide investigation are presented. The identification of the persons lying is of paramount importance for the suicide investigation. In the following, there is a description of the behavioural characteristics of people who lie, mislead or conceal something. This is followed by a description of the most demanding work performed by the investigator, namely informing the relatives of the deceased person. At the end of the thesis, the interviews are presented; they are followed by a debate or verification of the pre-set hypotheses and the final thoughts of the thesis.
Keywords:suicide, feigned suicide, investigation of the place of the suicide, the process of interview, informing the relatives


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