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Title:Reception and Popularity of Harold Pinter’s Plays in Slovenia after 1999
Authors:ID Gavez, Urša (Author)
ID Onič, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Harold Pinter is a world famous and appreciated playwright, who started his career rather unsuccessfully. As a representative of theatre of the absurd, he was faced with negative and critical reviews of his work. It is hard to say whether the reviewers did not understand his style or simply refused to understand it. However, the playwright’s new style ended up setting new boundaries in modern drama. Pinter’s plays, which were among the first to be presented on the Slovene stage received a similarly modest welcome. The audience found his long pauses, silences and incoherent dialogue insufficiently engaging, and many ended up leaving the theatre before the performance was over. One of the main reasons was that they were not familiar with this original and new writing style, which with time acquired its own adjective – ‘Pinteresque’. Throughout the world Pinter’s popularity increased more rapidly than in Slovenia, while today the playwright is not a stranger to the Slovene theatre. Pinter’s plays have been performed quite a few times on Slovene stages. The question that arises is whether reception of Pinter’s plays and his popularity among the Slovene audience has increased with time. There is a great possibility that Pinter’s popularity in Slovenia is a result of the playwright’s reception among Slovenes as well as the other way around. In this graduation thesis, we will focus on factors that have influenced a positive or negative reception of Pinter’s plays in Slovenia. In pursuit of this, we mainly focus on two events: Pinter’s receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature and his death. With the statistical data regarding Pinter’s plays staged in Slovenia after 1999, this graduation thesis will show how reviews, media presence and other factors influenced the popularity of Pinter and his plays in Slovenia, and how they simultaneously contributed to the reception and integration of the playwright’s style into the Slovene theatre, and brought the playwright closer to the Slovene public at the same time.
Keywords:Harold Pinter, theatre of the absurd, reception, popularity, play, media presence
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Gavez]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48504 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21523720 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Sprejemanje in priljubljenost Pinterjevih dram na Slovenskem po letu 1999
Abstract:Harold Pinter je dramatik svetovnega kova, ki je svojo dramsko kariero začel dokaj skromno. Kot predstavnik drame absurda se je bil primoran spopasti s številnimi negativnimi, obsojajočimi kritikami. Nikoli ne bomo izvedeli, ali kritiki njegovega pisanja niso razumeli ali ga preprosto niso želeli razumeti, vsekakor pa je njegov način pisanja postavil nove mejnike v moderni dramatiki. Tudi na Slovenskem so Pinterjeva dela doživela zadržano dobrodošlico. Publiki se njegove značilne dolge pavze ter nepovezani dialogi niso zdeli dovolj zanimivi in je zato predčasno zapuščala gledališče. Eden glavni razlogov za takšen odziv pa je dejstvo, da je Harold Pinter uvedel povsem novo vrsto drame, katere specifike so sčasoma pridobile oznako ‘pinterjanske’ oz. ‘pinterjevske’. V svetu je njegova prepoznavnost naraščala hitreje kot na Slovenskem, vendar danes Pinter slovenskemu gledališču ni več tuj. Tudi na slovenskih tleh je bilo uprizorjenih že kar nekaj Pinterjevih del. Vprašanje, na katerem temelji to diplomsko delo je, ali je Pinter sčasoma postajal bolj prepoznaven ali morda bolj priljubljen med slovensko publiko. Obstaja precej možnosti, da je njegova priljubljenost na Slovenskem pogojena s prepoznavnostjo oz. ravno obratno. Da bi to poskušali ugotoviti, se bomo v tem diplomskem delu osredotočili predvsem na dejavnike, ki so vplivali na pozitivno oz. negativno sprejemanje uprizorjenih Pinterjevih dram na Slovenskem. Osredotočili se bomo predvsem na dva dogodka: Pinterjev prejem Nobelove nagrade za književnost in dramatikovo smrt. S pomočjo statističnih podatkov o uprizorjenih Pinterjevih dramah na Slovenskem po letu 1999 bomo poskušali prikazati, kako so kritike in pojavljanje v medijih ter drugi dejavniki vplivali na priljubljenost Pinterjevih dram na slovenskih tleh. Prav tako bomo na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov preučili doprinos zgoraj omenjenih dejavnikov k prepoznavnosti in uveljavitvi Pinterjevega edinstvenega sloga v slovenskem gledališču ter ga hkrati s tem približati javnosti.
Keywords:Harold Pinter, gledališče absurda, priljubljenost, prepoznavnost, drama, prisotnost v medijih


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