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Title:Reproduktivne značilnosti medvrstnega križanca Sambucus javanica x S. ebulus
Authors:ID Zafošnik, Irena (Author)
ID Urbanek Krajnc, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Ivančič, Anton (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Zafosnik_Irena_2015.pdf (2,05 MB)
MD5: AEBDB8D92C3CC1D1D6137D96690BDC1A
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi smo primerjali glavne morfološke lastnosti listov in reproduktivnih organov starševskih vrst (S. javanica 'ES' in S. ebulus) ter njunega medvrstnega križanca (S. javanica × S. ebulus). Ker je križanec sterilen, je bil eden od pomembnih ciljev raziskati vzroke sterilnosti na nivoju materinskih celic pelodnih zrn. Ugotovili smo, da so nekatere morfološke lastnosti križanca precej podobne morfološkim lastnostim starševskih vrst. Citološka analiza, ki je temeljila na opazovanju kromosomov mikrosporocit, je pokazala, da sta bila oba starša (S. javanica ES in S. ebulus) diploida z 2n = 36, medtem ko smo pri medvrstnem križancu opazili velike variacije v številu kromosomov in nepravilnosti v celični delitvi. Prisotna je bila anevploidija, in sicer od hiper-diploidije do hipo- in hiper-tri- in tetraploidije. Na podlagi citološke analize sklepamo, da je sterilnost medvrstnega križanca posledica anevploidije, ki je povezana z nepravilnostmi v mikro- in makrosporogenezi.
Keywords:Sambucus javanica, S. ebulus, medvrstni križanec, bezeg, anevploidija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48493 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.06.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Reproductive characteristics of the interspecific hybrid Sambucus javanica × S. ebulus
Abstract:In the presented MSci thesis, we compared main morphological and reproductive characteristics of the parental species S. javanica 'EC' and S. ebulus, and their interspecific hybrid (S. javanica × S. ebulus). We also analyzed the reasons of reproductive sterility of the hybrid plants. It was found that some morphological characteristics of the hybrid plants were more similar to one or another parental species, whereas the others varied between the parental species. The cytological analysis based on microsporocytes showed that both parents (S. javanica and S. ebulus EC) were diploids with 2n = 36. The interspecific hybrid plants exhibited various types of aneuploidy (variations of the number of chromosomes such as hypo- and hipper- di-, three- and tetraploidy) as well as abnormalities in cell division. The investigation showed that sterility of interspecific hybrid plants was probably caused by aneuploidy and its association with irregularities in micro- and macrosporogenesis.
Keywords:Sambucus javanica, S. ebulus, interspecific hybrid, elder, aneuploidy


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