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Title:Vloga forenzike in sodne medicine pri rekonstrukciji nasilnih kaznivih dejanj : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Authors:ID Ježovnik, Mitja (Author)
ID Maver, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Jezovnik_Mitja_2015.pdf (496,06 KB)
MD5: F4821DA1DD9A9C76EA899AC1B9CA6E0B
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Preiskovanje in dokazovanje kaznivih dejanj je zapleten proces, pri katerem je treba skrbno in natančno upoštevati ustrezne postopke, določila zakonov in ostalih podzakonskih predpisov. Preiskovalci, izvedenci in sodišča si pomagajo tudi z rekonstrukcijami. Preiskovalci uporabljajo predvsem miselno rekonstrukcijo in občasno rekonstrukcijo kot preiskovalno dejanje. Z odredbo lahko sodišča odredijo rekonstrukcijo, s katero se ugotovi potek kaznivega dejanja in ugotovitev dejanskega stanja. Kaznivo dejanje narekuje, katera znanstvena področja bodo uporabljena pri analiziranju dokazov. Rekonstrukcije se običajno uporabi v primerih, ko gre za težja kazniva dejanja. Uporabljena je predvsem pri nasilnih kaznivih dejanjih zoper življenje in telo. V primerih preiskovanja in dokazovanja kaznivega dejanja, denimo umora, je najbolj pomembno, da ne pride do napak v dokazovanju. Rekonstrukcija služi tudi dosegu obsodilne ali oprostilne sodbe, preprečitvi napačne obsodbe in preprečitvi ne kaznovanosti kaznivega dejanja. Forenzika in sodna medicina sta znanstveni področji, ki analizirata zbrane dokaze. V Sloveniji je za področje forenzike akreditiran Nacionalni forenzični laboratorij, za področje sodne medicine pa Inštitut za sodno medicino. Njuni izvedenci sestavijo izvide, ki omogočajo preiskovalcem in sodiščem sestaviti rekonstrukcijo kaznivega dejanja. Preiskovalci, izvedenci, sodniki in ostali posamezniki, ki so vključeni v preiskovanje in dokazovanje kaznivih dejanj so lahko izpostavljeni vplivom opazovalca. Če pride do vpliva opazovalca, se lahko napravi napačna rekonstrukcija in ne ugotovi pravilnega dejanskega stanja.
Keywords:kriminalistika, kriminalistično preiskovanje, kriminalistična tehnika, forenzika, rekonstrukcije, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Ježovnik]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:64 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48458 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3001834 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.09.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:Investigating and proving a crime is a complex process in which the investigators have to carefully and thoroughly comply with appropriate procedures, stipulations of the law and other decrees. The investigators, expert witnesses and courts also use the investigative technique reconstruction to investigate crimes. The investigators mostly use mind reconstruction and occasionaly use the crime reconstruction technique. With an injuction based on the law the courts can order a crime reconstruction to be made. The crime reconstruction serves to determine what happened during the crime and what the state of affairs were. The crime dictates which scientific fields will be used to analyse the gathered evidence. Crime reconstruction is usually used in severe criminal cases. Severe criminal cases are cases where the perpetrator commited the offence against the life or body of the victim. During investigating and proving the criminal case, such as murder, it is important that no errors are made. Beside the main use of a reconstruction to achieve a guilty or unguilty verdict, a reconstruction also serves to prevent a wrongful conviction and to make sure that a crime does not go unpunished. Forensic science and forensic medicine are used to analyse gathered evidence. In Slovenia the National forensic laboratoy has acreditation for the field of forensics, whereas the Institute for forensic medicine covers the field of forensic medicine. The experts from both of the professional services prepare reports which the investigators and the courts use for crime reconstruction. Investigators, forensic experts, judges and other personnel that are involved in presenting cases can all be exposed to the examiner bias effect. If the examiner bias effect is present it can lead to a wrong crime reconstruction and thus a wrong conclusion about the state of affairs during a crime.
Keywords:reconstruction, criminal offence, evidence, forensics, forensic medicine.


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