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Authors:ID Škamlec, Dušanka (Author)
ID Lipovec, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Skamlec_Dusanka_2015.pdf (1,83 MB)
MD5: 0C2B2F193D84641375B7330350A2A96C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V osrednjem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljene strategije za odštevanje in didaktični pripomoček 10-okvir, s katerim učenci vizualizirajo števila –vizualizacija jim namreč omogoča učinkovito miselno računanje. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati evalvacije metodične poti, katere namen je bil preveriti, ali strategije odvzemi skozi 10, dvojčki in dodaj skozi 10 ter pripomoček 10-okvir pomembno učinkujejo na uspešnost odštevanja. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali obstajajo razlike v uspešnosti odštevanja glede na predstavljene strategije. Raziskava je potekala na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu učencev 2. razreda, ki so bili razdeljeni v eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Podatki so bili zbrani s preizkusom znanja, ki je bil sestavljen iz nalog objektivnega tipa z enim kratkim odgovorom (računom). Zbrani podatki so bili obdelani z deskriptivno in inferenčno statistiko. Izkazalo se je, da miselne strategije in 10-okvir statistično pomembno vplivajo na krajši čas priklica temeljnih dejstev odštevanja, pri čemer se njihov vpliv na število napak ne kaže. Učenci eksperimentalne skupine so končni preizkus znanja reševali krajši čas kot začetni preizkus, prav tako pa so preizkus rešili hitreje od učencev kontrolne skupine. Pri končnem preizkusu med učenci ni bilo razlik v številu napak. Učenci eksperimentalne skupine so končne napake sicer zmanjšali, vendar ne statistično značilno. Glede na preizkus razlik v uspešnosti strategij se je pokazalo, da le-teh ni, se pa kaže tendenca večje uspešnosti pri izrazih, kjer uporabljamo strategijo odvzemi skozi 10. Očiten je tudi napredek pri izrazih, kjer uporabljamo strategijo dvojčki, kar raziskovalci pripisujejo konkretni reprezentaciji strategije.
Keywords:didaktika matematike, razredna stopnja, računske operacije, poučevanje strategij
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Škamlec]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48348 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21507848 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.10.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the main part of the master's thesis, the strategies for subtraction and a didactic accessory 10-frame are introduced which help the students visualize the numbers. Visualization enables them an effective mental computation. In the empirical part, results of the method evaluation are presented the purpose of which was to test whether or not the strategies take away through 10, twins and add up through 10 and the 10-frame accessory have an important effect on the subtraction successfulness. We were also interested if there are any differences in the subtraction successfulness according to the introduced strategies. The study was conducted on an unaccidental ad hoc sample of students in the second grade of primary school. The students were divided into an experimental and control group. The data was collected with an examination consisting of objective type questions with one short possible answer (calculation). The collected data was processed with the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. It was proven that the mental subtraction strategies and the 10-frame accessory have an important statistical effect on a faster mental recall of the subtraction facts. Their effect on the number of mistakes was not shown. The students of the experimental group needed less time to complete their final examination than the initial examination. Also, they completed the examination faster than the students of the control group. In the final examination, there were no differences in the number of mistakes between two groups. The students of the experimental group decreased the number of final mistakes, however, not statistically significant. According to the tested differences in the strategy successfulness it was shown that they are none. However, there is a tendency for greater successfulness of expressions for which the strategy take away through 10 was used. We also made an evident progress with the expressions for which the strategy twins was used. The progress is assigned to the actual strategy representation.
Keywords:didactics in mathematics, first triennium of primary school, computational operations, strategy teaching


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