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Authors:ID Madžarac, Mateja (Author)
ID Rijavec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Madzarac_Mateja_2015.pdf (341,90 KB)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Evropska unija je z vzpostavitvijo enotnega trga med državami članicami ter posledično padcem mej in omejitev glede prostega pretoka ljudi, blaga, storitev in denarja ustvarila ugodno okolje za posameznike in podjetja, ki so tako pridobili možnost poslovanja in nakupovanja po vseh državah Evropske unije. Hkrati z vzpostavitvijo ugodnega gospodarskega okolja pa mora Evropska unija vzpostaviti tudi pogoje za ustrezno pravno varstvo, kadar katera od strank civilnopravnega razmerja ne izpolni svoje obveznosti. V diplomskem delu se bom osredotočila predvsem na dokazovanje v evropskih sporih majhne vrednosti, saj je to v čezmejnih sporih velikokrat oteženo. Ti postopki so posameznikom in podjetjem še vedno precej tuji, saj gre za stranke, ki so v različnih državah in za njih veljajo različni pravni redi, katerih predpisi pa so stranki in velikokrat tudi sodnemu osebju neznani. Da bi se zagotovila čim večja pravna varnost v teh sporih, je bila na ravni Evropske unije sprejeta Uredba (ES) št. 861/2007 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 11. julija 2007 o uvedbi evropskega postopka v sporih majhne vrednosti, ki je s številnimi določili poenostavila dokazovanje v evropskih sporih majhne vrednosti. Hkrati bom navedla tudi razlike v postopku majhne vrednosti v slovenski zakonodaji, ki je urejen v Zakonu o pravdnem postopku ( v nadaljevanju ZPP). V nadaljevanju bom opisala, kako lahko sodišča pridobivajo dokaze z medsebojnim sodelovanjem, na podlagi Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1206/2001 z dne 28. maja 2001 o sodelovanju med sodišči držav članic pri pridobivanju dokazov v civilnih ali gospodarskih zadevah. Ker obe uredbi spodbujata uporabo informacijske tehnologije za izvajanje dokazov, bom v zadnjem poglavju opisala možnosti in postopek uporabe videokonference.
Keywords:spori majhne vrednosti, evropski spori majhne vrednosti, Uredba (ES) št. 861/2007, čezmejno dokazovanje, Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 1206/2001, videokonferenca
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Madžarac]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48229 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4922411 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.07.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:The European union created favorable environment with the fall of the limits and restrictions on the free movement of people, goods, services and money for individuals and businesses who have the opportunity to gain business and shopping in all the countries of the European Union. They have option now for business and shopping in all Member States. The reason for such creating is establishment of single market between the countries which are part of the European Union. At the same time with establishment of favorable economic environment the European Union has to establish also conditions for appropriate legal protection in case if one of customers of civil action do not fillout its obligation. In the graduation thesis I will focus on proving in European small claims procedure. This is many times difficult in cross-border dispute. Those processes are not familiar well to the singles and companies. Those are customers who live in different countries and have different legal systems. Legal systems are many times unknown to the customers and court staff. Because of those problems the European Union accepted Regulation (EC) No 861/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 establishing a European small claims procedure. The aim was to provide as much as legal certainty in those disputes. Regulation simplified proving in European small claims procedure with many provisions. At the same time I will state also the differences in procedure of small claim procedure in Slovenian legislation. It is found in Code of Civil Procedure (ZPP). Further I will describe how courts get proofs with interaction cooperation on the basic of Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters, when they get proofs in civil and economic concerns. In the last section I will describe possibilities and procedure how to use videoconference because both regulations promote the using of information tehnology.
Keywords:small claim procedure, European small claim procedure, accepted Regulation (EC) No 861/2007, cross-border demonstration, Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001, videoconferencing


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