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Authors:ID Dimec, Monika (Author)
ID Šarotar Žižek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Čančer, Vesna (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Dimec_Monika_2015.pdf (2,17 MB)
MD5: 8FAB23B4B1F4E02839A6521BEC1AC67C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Danes je brezposelnost zelo visoka in predstavlja pereči problem gospodarstva. Zaradi vse višje brezposelnosti, se mnogo ljudi srečuje s stresom. To je še posebej opazno pri mladih, ko po končanem šolanju vstopijo na trg dela in iščejo zaposlitev. Stres je lahko tako pozitiven kot negativen, toda večina jih občuti negativnega. Prekomeren negativni stres negativno vpliva na zdravje in se kaže v obliki simptomov in posledic stresa. Zato je treba stres prepoznati in ga premagati. Danes obstaja mnogo načinov in tehnik za premagovanje stresa. Pomembno je, da izberemo tisto tehniko, ki pozitivno vpliva na nas in s katero stres dejansko premagujemo. Za zmanjšanje brezposelnosti Zavod RS za zaposlovanje prireja vrsto programov, s katerimi bi brezposelnim pomagali pri iskanju zaposlitve, hkrati pa jih obremenijo stresa. V empiričnem delu smo izvedli raziskavo s pomočjo vprašalnika, na katerega so odgovarjale brezposelne mlade osebe, ki so bile v času anketiranja prijavljene na Zavodu za zaposlovanje Celje. S pomočjo raziskave smo želeli ugotoviti, kako se brezposelne mlade osebe soočajo stresom in kako ga premagujejo. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se danes večina brezposelnih mladih srečuje s stresom, da brezposelne mlade osebe ženskega spola občutijo višjo stopnjo stresa kot brezposelne mlade osebe moškega spola in da je terapija z glasbo najpogostejša tehnika, s katero premagujejo stres, nato pa ji sledijo fizične aktivnosti. Želja brezposelnih mladih oseb je pridobiti zaposlitev, zato se udeležujejo različnih programov, ki jih izvaja Zavod za zaposlovanje. Njihov namen je pridobiti nova znanja in izkušnje ter se dodatno izobraževati, z upanjem, da bodo tako lažje našli zaposlitev.
Keywords:stres, premagovanje stresa, brezposelnost, povezava med stresom in brezposelnostjo
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Dimec]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-48219 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12068636 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.09.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:Today, unemployment is very high and represents an alarming problem of the economy. Because of higher unemployment, many people are faced with stress. This is particularly noticeable among young people, when they, after completion of their schooling, enter the labour market seeking employment. Stress can be both positive and negative, but most of them feel negative stress. Excessive negative stress has a negative impact on health, and is reflected in the form of symptoms and consequences thereof. Therefore, it is necessary to identify stress and overcome it. Today, there are many ways and techniques for overcoming stress. It is important to choose one technique that has a positive effect on us, and which actually helps us overcome stress. The Employment Service of Slovenia organizes a series of programs for reducing stress to help unemployed people in finding employment, while relieving them from stress. In the empirical part, we conducted a survey using a questionnaire, which was answered by unemployed young people who were registered at the Employment Service Celje at the time of our survey. Through research, we wanted to determine how unemployed young people face stress and how they try to overcome it. The survey results show that the majority of today's unemployed young people are facing stress, that unemployed young women experience higher levels of stress than unemployed young men and that music therapy is the most common technique used for overcoming stress, which is then followed by physical activities. The desire of unemployed young people is to gain employment so they participate in various programs implemented by the Employment Service. Their purpose is to gain new knowledge and experience and additional education, with the hope that it will be easier to find a job.
Keywords:stress, overcoming stress, unemployment, correlation between stress and unemployment


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