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Authors:ID Vukobrat, Jana (Author)
ID Senčur Peček, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vukobrat_Jana_2015.pdf (487,18 KB)
MD5: 84345E875F117890A62773A229F2DCB6
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V časih, ko si podjetja še vedno niso opomogla od finančne krize oziroma jo še vedno občutijo in v časih vse večjega tehnološkega napredka, pri čemer je v proizvodnji potrebnih vse manj delavcev, saj njihovo delo opravljajo stroji, se vse več delodajalcev sooča z dejstvom presežnih delavcev, ki so jim zaradi ekonomskih, tehnoloških, strukturnih ali organizacijskih razlogov primorani odpovedati pogodbo o zaposlitvi iz poslovnega razloga. Pri tem lahko gre bodisi za kolektivne odpuste bodisi za individualne odpuste. Pri izbiri presežnih delavcev je delodajalec v primeru kolektivnih odpustov dolžan uporabiti kriterije za njihovo določanje. Predlaga jih delodajalec in se o njih posvetuje s sindikati pri delodajalcu. Če so kriteriji določeni v kolektivni pogodbi, ki zavezuje delodajalca, veljajo le-ti. Tudi v tem primeru pa jih lahko oblikuje delodajalec sam, a mora za njihovo uporabo pridobiti soglasje sindikata pri delodajalcu. Na ta način se lahko uporabijo delodajalčevi kriteriji namesto kriterijev iz kolektivne pogodbe, ki bi jih sicer bil delodajalec dolžan uporabiti. Na drugi strani pa delodajalec pri individualnih odpustih oziroma manjši delodajalec ni zavezan k uporabi kriterijev, a se s tem lahko izogne morebitnim kasnejšim sporom glede domnevne diskriminatorne izbire delavcev. Kljub temu pa mora biti pri svoji izbiri objektiven. Delodajalec mora tako pri izbiri delavcev najprej upoštevati prepoved diskriminacije, neutemeljene odpovedne razloge (npr. članstvo v sindikatu, odsotnost z dela zaradi bolezni …) ter kategorije oseb, ki pod določenimi pogoji uživajo posebno pravno varstvo pred odpovedjo. Šele po tem lahko sestavi listo presežnih delavcev ter na koncu (z uporabo kriterijev) izbere tiste delavce, ki jim bo redno odpovedal pogodbo o zaposlitvi iz poslovnega razloga.
Keywords:kriteriji za določitev presežnih delavcev, individualni odpust, kolektivni odpust, manjši delodajalec, poslovni razlog, prepoved diskriminacije
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Vukobrat]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47754-49150bf9-2878-967f-382b-377659be3a55 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4903723 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.06.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:In times when enterprises still have not recovered from financial crisis and in times of increased technological progress, where there is less and less need for workers because their work is done by machines, there are also more and more employers, who have to confront with the fact of redundant workers, to whom they have to give notice because of the business reason. Regarding the number of redundant workers, there are two options: collective dismissals or individual dismissals. In case of collective dismissals, employer should use redundancy selection criteria to define redundant workers. Employer submits selection criteria to the trade union at the employer and then consult about them with the trade union at the employer. If the redundancy selection criteria are laid down in the collective agreement, the employer should use those, laid down in the collective agreement. Irrespective of the existence of the selection criteria in the collective agreement, the employer can draw up his own selection criteria, but in this case, he would need concordance of the trade union at the employer (not only their opinion). In this manner, employer’s redundancy selection criteria can be used instead of using the criteria laid down in the collective agreement. On the other hand, in case of individual dismissals and smaller employer, there is no need to use redundancy selection criteria. However, by using them, employer can avoid eventual disputes because of supposedly discriminatory choice of workers. In spite all of that, employer’s choice have to be objective. All things considered, employer should, above all, take into account prohibition of discrimination, unfounded reasons for cancellation (for instance trade union membership, temporary absence from work due to the inability to work because of an illness…) and categories of workers who, under the terms of law, enjoy special legal protection against dismissal. Only when all these things are considered, employer can make a list of redundant workers and by using selection criteria, choose those workers, to whom he will give notice because of business reason.
Keywords:selection criteria, individual dismissals, collective dismissals, business reason, smaller employer, prohibition of discrimination


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