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Authors:ID Babšek, Nina (Author)
ID Uršič, Duško (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Babsek_Nina_2015.pdf (758,43 KB)
MD5: ED20D1B59F94C3D784EE751961789A61
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V sledečem diplomskem seminarju z naslovom »Management in invalidsko podjetje« sem natančneje predstavila, kaj pomeni pojem management, njegov razvoj skozi čas, kakšne so teorije o njegovih funkcijah ter temeljne funkcije managementa. Kot je videti, so si strokovnjaki že pred časom dotični pojem razlagali skoraj vsak na drugačen način in vsak izmed njih je imel prav, kajti nekaj je bilo skupno vsem - vsi so v svoje teorije vključili vsaj štiri temeljne funkcije managementa, nekateri tudi več. Predstavila sem pojme kot na primer, kakšne osebe so invalidi oziroma kaj razumemo pod tem izrazom, definicijo invalidskega podjetja, postopek njegove ustanovitve oziroma pridobitve statusa invalidskega podjetja, na kratko povzela zakonodajo, ki opredeljuje invalidska podjetja ter invalide na splošno. V končnici diplomskega seminarja sem predstavila podjetje Batis Plus, d.o.o., katero sem si izbrala za konkretni primer povezave managementa in invalidskega podjetja. S tem želela vsaj približno prikazati, kako poteka management v omenjenem invalidskem podjetju, ki ga zelo uspešno vodi 100% invalid kljub težkim razmeram na trgu dela ter ne glede na to, da so invalidi obravnavani kot manj sposobni, oziroma, kako se je kljub vsem popolnim ter ustreznim prilagoditvam in strukturi zaposlenih invalidov podjetje potegovalo za status invalidskega podjetja. Podjetje Batis plus, d.o.o. sem se odločila vključiti v svoj diplomski seminar, ker mi je bilo o tem podjetju na voljo veliko podatkov, tudi poslovni načrt, vendar pa sem določene podrobnosti izključila iz obravnave, zaradi varstva poslovnih skrivnosti.
Keywords:management, managementska teorija, invalidi, zaposlovanje invalidov, invalidsko podjetje, Zavod invalidskih podjetij Slovenije, Batis plus, d.o.o.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Babšek]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47742-d4c8ec0d-2759-39e3-a549-c5251f180468 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12879900 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.11.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:My diploma thesis entitled “Management and disability company” highlights in detail the concept of management, its development through time, theories about management functions and those basic functions. It seems that every management expert explained management in his own way and all of them were right. They all included at least four basic functions of management, some of them even more. In the thesis I presented the following concepts: what kind of people are the disabled or what people understand under this term, the definition of a company employing disabled people, the process of its establishment or acquiring the status of a company employing disabled people; I also briefly summarized the legislation governing the companies that employ disabled people and disabled people in general. In the final part of the thesis, I presented the company Batis Plus, l.l.c. which was chosen as the concrete example of a connection between management and a company employing disabled people. I wanted to show how the company Batis Plus, l.l.c. is successfully managed by a disabled person despite really difficult situation on the labour market and the fact that the disabled are considered less capable. I also wanted to present how despite all complete and adequate adjustments and the structure of employed disabled people the company contended for the status of a company employing disabled people. The company Batis Plus, l.l.c. was included in the thesis because it has a lot of data and the business plan accessible to the public. However, certain details were excluded from the analysis due to the protection of their business secrets.
Keywords:management, theory of management, people with disabilities, employment of people with disabilities, disability company, Institute of disability companies in Slovenia, Batis plus, l.l.c.


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