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Authors:ID Podržaj, Janja (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Podrzaj_Janja_2015.pdf (2,30 MB)
MD5: 28F6377200AE32E99E548B05D6B84767
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V organizaciji se vsakodnevno srečujemo s težavami, ki jih povzroča obstoječi informacijski sistem, ki je zastarel, nezmogljiv in neprilagodljiv. Pogoj za uspešno poslovanje vsake organizacije je zagotovljen varen, zanesljiv in razpoložljiv informacijski sistem z minimalnimi stroški vzdrževanja. Predlagana rešitev za obravnavano organizacijo je implementacija virtualizacije v strežniško okolje. V prvem delu diplomskega dela se osredotočimo na problem v organizaciji ter raziščemo osnove, prednosti in koristi virtualizacije. Na podlagi obstoječega stanja, ki je predstavljeno v tretjem poglavju, se posvetimo konsolidaciji strežniške infrastrukture in pripravimo načrt prenove informacijskega sistema, ki vsebuje predlog za zamenjavo in posodobitev tako strojne kot programske opreme. V nadaljevanju predstavimo strukturo upravljanja virtualnega okolja s platformo VMware vSphere prek prijave v VMware vCenter s programsko opremo VMware vSpehre Client. V praktičnem delu diplomskega dela zaobjamemo predstavitev kreiranja virtualnega strežnika z operacijskim sistemom in predlagamo prenovo obstoječega informacijskego-komunikacijskega sistema z vpeljavo virtualizacijske platforme. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela prikažemo primerjalni izračun ocene stroškov vzdrževanja fizičnih in virtualnih strežnikov.
Keywords:virtualizacija, strežnik, VMware, konsolidacija
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47701-292f436c-8ded-8715-7fcc-68e50b4d9009 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7428627 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.05.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:The organisation faces daily problems caused by the existing information system (IS), which is outdated and inflexible. A precondition for the successful operation of any organisation is a guaranteed secure, reliable and available IS with minimal maintenance costs. The proposed solution for the organisation in question is the virtualisation of the server environment. In the first part of the thesis, we explore the problem faced by the organisation, and study the basics, advantages and benefits of virtualisation. Based on the current situation, which is presented in the third part, we focus on the consolidation of the server infrastructure and prepare a plan for the redesigning of the IS, which includes a proposal to replace and update both hardware and software. In the next phase, we look at the governance structure of a virtual environment on a VMware vSphere platform by signing into a VMware vCenter using VMware vSpehre Client software. In the practical part of the thesis, we present the development of a virtual server with the associated operating system, and the proposed renovation of the existing ICT system by introducing a virtualisation platform. In the last part of the thesis, we present comparative financial estimates of the maintenance costs of physical and virtual servers.
Keywords:virtualisation, server, VMware, consolidation


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