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Authors:ID Robič, Cirila (Author)
ID Šinko, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Petek, Darija (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Robic_Cirila_2015.pdf (2,23 MB)
MD5: 31AC5B25284117A8552B09587073A67E
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:POVZETEK Diplomsko delo z naslovom Spodbujanje senzibiliziranja otrok skozi dramske igre v predšolskem obdobju je praktično diplomsko delo. Nastalo je predvsem z namenom, da se otrokom približajo dramske igre in s pomočjo teh spodbuja razvoj njihovih čutil. Teoretični del zajema poglavja o dramski vzgoji v predšolskem obdobju in čutilih. Tu lahko izvemo, kakšen in kolikšen pomen pravzaprav ima dramska vzgoja v zgodnjem otroštvu. V ostalih poglavjih pa se dotaknemo čutil, iger, vezanih na čutila, izkušenj ter materialov. V praktičnemu delu so predstavljene dramske igre za spodbujanje otrokovih čutil, ki so bile izvedene v vrtcu. Praktični del diplomskega dela smo izvajali z otroki prvega in drugega starostnega obdobja. Pripravili smo 10 priprav, od tega 5 priprav za prvo starostno obdobje (otroci, stari od 1 do 2 leti) in 5 priprav za drugo starostno obdobje (otroci, stari od 4 do 5 let). Izvajanje dejavnosti je potekalo v vrtcu OŠ Jožeta Hudalesa v Jurovskem Dolu. Dodan je tudi slikovni material, ki je nastal ob izvajanju dejavnosti. Izvajanje dejavnosti je potekalo tri tedne. Otrokom 1. in 2. starostnega obdobja smo pripravili dramske igre, s pomočjo katerih so na igriv način odkrivali svoja čutila, uživali ob tem, raziskovali, urili svoje spretnosti čutenja, se poigravali z domišljijo … Ugotovili smo, da dramske igre otroka celostno bogatijo, spodbujajo njegovo domišljijo in so izjemno priljubljene med otroci. Vzgojitelji lahko skozi dramske igre popestrijo tudi druga področja kurikuluma, kot je bilo v našem primeru predvsem področje narave – otrokovih čutil.
Keywords:predšolsko obdobje, dramska vzgoja otrok, dramske igre, raziskovanje s čutili.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[C. Robič]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47580-0cc3e1e1-63b2-39d6-1328-32cef254742e New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21379336 New window
Publication date in DKUM:02.06.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:This diploma thesis with the title 'Promoting the senses in children through drama plays in the pre-school period' is based on practical experience. It was created primarily with a view to bring drama plays closer to the children and thus promote the development of their senses. The theoretical part includes chapters on drama education in the pre-school period and learning through the senses. The information on what and how much importance the drama education actually has in early childhood can be found here. The other chapters discuss the senses, games related to the senses, experience and materials. The practical part is designed to present the drama plays which were performed in kindergarten with the intention to promote children's senses. The practical part of the thesis was carried out with children of the first and second age group. There were 10 preparations carried out, 5 of which for the first age group (children aged 1–2 years) and 5 of which for the second age group (children aged 4–5 years). The activities took place in the kindergarten of the OŠ Jože Hudales Primary School in Jurovski Dol. This part also includes graphic material that was created during the implementation of activities. The activities were carried out for three weeks. For the children of the first and the second age group, we prepared certain drama plays by which they were discovering their senses in a playful way, while enjoying, exploring, practicising their sensory skills, playing with their imagination etc. In this diploma thesis, it was established that drama plays provide enrichment to children in an integrative way, stimulate their imagination, and are extremely popular among children. Childcare workers can include drama plays to enliven the other areas of the curriculum, as in our case this was the field of nature – children's senses, in particular.
Keywords:pre-school period, children's drama education, drama plays, sensory exploration.


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