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Authors:ID Brec, Barbara (Author)
ID SCHMIDT, MAJDA (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Smole, Franc (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Brec_Barbara_2015.pdf (1,41 MB)
MD5: 75F34B0F02B7514D9510F93DA696FEBB
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Govorno-jezikovnih težav je v zadnjih nekaj letih vse več, kljub temu pa jih danes logopedi hitreje odkrijejo in odpravijo. Na kvaliteto logopedske obravnave vplivajo predvsem višji nivo znanja, večje število raziskav in odkritij, novi merski instrumenti, diagnostična sredstva ter poznavanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na govor. Prav tako se govorne in jezikovne težave hitreje odpravijo, če gre za zgodnje odkritje, ko je otrok še majhen. Preventiva oziroma sistematični pregledi so zato izredno pomembni kot tudi sodelovanje logopeda z zdravstvenim osebjem in otrokovimi starši. Prepoznavanje primanjkljajev in motenj na področju govora ter jezika zahteva celostno obravnavo, ki ne sega le na ozko področje artikulacije. Logoped mora biti pozoren na otrokov govor, na dihanje, požiranje in govorila, prepoznati mora pravilno artikulacijo, tempo govora, agramatično izražanje ter disfonijo (Globačnik, 1999). Če je pri otroku potrebna nadaljnja logopedska obravnava, je pomembno, da ugotovi vse razloge, ki vplivajo na zaostajanje v govornem razvoju. V teoretičnem delu smo dejavnike raziskovanja predstavili s pomočjo slovenske in tuje literature. V raziskavi smo na podlagi že izdelanih merskih instrumentov ugotavljali možne dejavnike za govorni razvoj. Preverjali smo kvaliteto izgovora, glasu, pravilno zaporedje glasov, kvaliteto pripovedovanja, ritem govora in ustreznost ter neustreznost govoril. Vključenih je bilo 100 petletnih otrok, pri katerih je bil testiran izdelan instrument, splošne podatke o otroku pa so izpolnili njegovi starši.
Keywords:Govorno-jezikovne motnje, govorno-jezikovni razvoj, dejavniki govornega razvoja, govorna vsebina, petletniki
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Brec]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47406 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21239816 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.08.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:The number of speech and language disorders has increased in the past few years, however logopaedists are able to identify and treat them faster than in the past. The quality of a logopaedist treatment is influenced by higher levels of knowledge, an increase in scientific research and discoveries, new measuring instruments, diagnostic means and a better understanding of the factors that influence speech. In addition, speech and language disorders can be treated faster if the disorder is discovered in the early stage of childhood. Preventive or regular examinations as well as the co-operation between a logopaedist, the medical personnel and the child`s parents are crucial. The identification of deficits and disorders in the speech and language area demands an overall treatment, which does not focus only on the very narrow area of articulation. A logopaedist must pay a great deal of attention to the child`s speech, breathing, swallowing and speech organs. He has to identify the correct articulation, speech pace, the correct use of grammar and dysphonia (Globačnik, 1999). If a child needs further treatment it is very important that the logopaedist identifies all the reasons that affect the fall back in speech development. In the theoretical part we have presented the research factors with the help of Slovenian and foreigner literature. In the research we have established the potential factors for speech development based on the premade metric instruments. We have checked the quality of pronunciation, voice, the correct sequence of voices, the quality of narrating, the rhythm of speech and the adequacy and inadequacy of speech organs. The research included one hundred five year old children on which the instrument was tested. The general information about the child was provided by their parents.
Keywords:Speech and language disorders, speech and language development, factors of speech development, speech content, five-year-olds


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