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Authors:ID Arnuš, Nina (Author)
ID Šinko, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Arnus_Nina_2015.pdf (3,13 MB)
MD5: 94D132580581CD33EF16B92BB988C886
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:POVZETEK Diplomsko delo z naslovom Spontana igra z lutko in lutkovni kotiček je sestavljeno iz treh delov. V teoretičnem delu so s pomočjo strokovne literature predstavljena spoznanja o igri na splošno, nato pa se osredotočimo na spontano igro in igro z lutko, ki sta v našem diplomskem delu ključnega pomena. Navedli smo dejstvo, da igra z lutko vpliva na razvoj otrokove domišljije in ustvarjalnosti ter zagotovi nekatere osnovne potrebe. Opisali smo moč lutke in njen pomen za otroke in vzgojitelje. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili, kaj je lutka in kaj zna, kaj je pomembno pri izdelovanju lutk in katere so bolj razširjene tehnike lutk. Sledi še kratek opis lutkovnega kotička. Teoretičnemu delu sledi praktični del. Prvi del vsebuje opis izdelovanja treh tehnik lutk in pripomočkov ter materialov, ki smo jih pri tem potrebovali. Drugi del zajema seznanjanje otrok z lutkami, spontano igro z lutkami in izdelovanje lutk ter opis potrebnih materialov in pripomočkov. Na kratko je predstavljen tudi lutkovni kotiček, ki smo ga oblikovali v vrtcu. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati, ki smo jih dobili ob opazovanju spontane igre otrok z lutkami. S pomočjo kontrolne liste smo ugotovili, kakšno je zanimanje otrok med tretjim in petim letom za spontano igro z lutko, katere tehnike lutk otroke najbolj pritegnejo, v katerih oblikah dela poteka igra z lutko, kakšne so značilnosti lutke in njena pravilna uporaba, ali se med otrokom in lutko pojavi dialog, koliko časa traja spontana igra z lutko, kakšna čustva in odnosi se pojavijo med spontano igro z lutko. V diplomsko delo je vključen tudi intervju z vzgojiteljico.
Keywords:KLJUČNE BESEDE: predšolski otrok, igra, spontana igra, lutke, pomen lutk, moč lutke, tehnike lutk, izdelovanje lutk.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Arnuš]
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-47176 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:21257480 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.03.2015
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Secondary language

Abstract:SUMMARY The thesis entitled Spontaneous play with a doll and doll corner is composed of three parts. In the theoretical part, findings about games in general are presented, with the help of scientific literature, and in the continuation, the topic “spontaneous playing with a doll” is focused on, which is of crucial importance in our thesis. We described that playing with a doll impacts the development of children's imagination and creativity, providing some basic needs. We have described the power of a doll and its importance for children and childcare workers. In the following of the thesis, we presented what a doll is what it can do, what is important when making dolls and which doll techniques are more prevalent. This part is followed by a brief description of the doll corner. The theoretical part is followed by the practical part. The first part contains a description of three techniques of making dolls and instruments and materials we needed for those procedures. The second part involves familiarizing children with dolls, spontaneous play with dolls and doll making and a description of the necessary materials and tools. The doll corner, which was created in the kindergarten, is briefly presented as well. In the empirical part, results which we obtained observing children's spontaneous play with dolls are presented. With the help of a checklist we determined in what way are children interested in spontaneous playing with a doll between the third and fifth year of age, which doll techniques draws children’s attention best, which type of work is used during play with a doll, what are the characteristics of a doll and how it is correctly used, is there a dialogue between the child and the doll, how long does a spontaneous play with a doll last and what emotions and relationships are involved during spontaneous playing with a doll. The study also included an interview with a childcare worker.
Keywords:KEYWORDS: preschool children, play, spontaneous play, dolls, importance of dolls, power of dolls, doll techniques, making dolls.


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