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Authors:ID Magister, Sara (Author)
ID Prelič, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Magister_Sara_2015.pdf (1,17 MB)
MD5: F10F3338B767375F4F8764A4B1CAEF2C
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V pričujočem diplomskem delu v okviru instituta osebnega stečaja, obravnavam stečaj podjetnika, ki ga je uvedel leta 2007 sprejeti Zakon o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju (ZFPPIPP) in ga analiziram z vidika politike novih priložnosti po smernicah Evropske unije. Politika nove priložnosti je usmerjena predvsem v spodbujanje držav, da zagotovijo, tako z zakonodajo, kot tudi s samim ”vzdušjem” in osveščenostjo v podjetniškem okolju, čim hitrejše okrevanje propadlih podjetnikov in čim lažji zagon oz. začetek “na novo”. Takšna politika skuša prekiniti vsesplošno negativno miselnost in stigmo stečajnih postopkov. Potrebno je poudariti, da omenjene smernice nikakor ne odstopajo od temeljnega smisla postopka osebnega stečaja. V osebnem stečaju se zasledujeta dva interesa, interes upnikov, katerim naj se omogoči enakomerno poplačilo njihovih terjatev, na drugi strani pa interes dolžnikov, ki jim je potrebno omogočiti ponovno zaživitev v gospodarskem in socialnem smislu. Smernice Evropske unije skušajo insolvenčnim zakonodajam približati prav omenjeni drugi namen osebnega stečaja in za njegovo uresničitev podajajo različne predloge preventivne in kurativne narave. Na prvi pogled se zdi, da Slovenija s svojo insolvenčno zakonsko ureditvijo , zlasti z možnostjo odpusta dolga in nadaljevanjem poslovanja znotraj postopka osebnega stečaja, popolnoma sledi priporočilom Evropske komisije in daje podjetnikom, ki so se znašli v postopku osebnega stečaja, novo priložnost, a praksa na drugi strani vseeno pokaže, da ostala slovenska zakonodaja pogosto deluje precej “zaviralno” do teh oseb in jih spravlja v težji položaj. Prav tako lahko v praksi oviro novemu začetku predstavlja tudi sama narava in potek stečajnega postopka. Slednje se odraža predvsem v dolgotrajnosti samih stečajnih postopkov, glede na zakonsko ureditev po ZFPPIPP, kot tudi v problematiki druge gospodarske zakonodaje, ki predvsem v praksi deluje diskriminatorno do subjektov v stečajnem postopku (npr. Zakon o javnih naročilih). V diplomski nalogi tudi na kratko opisujem kako je institut osebnega stečaja urejen v tujini, na koncu diplomske pa predstavim možne smernice za naprej.
Keywords:Zakon o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju, osebni stečaj, politika novih priložnosti, nadaljevanje poslovanja, odpust obveznosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Magister]
Year of publishing:2014
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-46989 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4834347 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.02.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Bankruptcy of a businessman: Analysis of Slovene regulation from the aspect of policy of new opportunities by the EU guidelines
Abstract:In my diploma thesis I dealt with bankruptcy of a businessman that was in 2007 introduced by Financial operations, insolvency proceedings and compulsory dissolution act (ZFPPIPP) which I analyze from the aspect of policy of new opportunities by the European Union (EU) guidelines. Policy of new opportunities is focused mainly on the promotion of countries to provide (with the legislation as well as with the “atmosphere” and awareness in the business environment) recovery of failed businessmen as quickly as possible and at the same time an easy way to start over. This kind of policy is trying to break widespread negative thinking and the stigma of bankruptcy proceedings. It needs to be emphasized that aforementioned guidelines in no way derogate from basic sense of personal bankruptcy. There are two interests - the one of the creditor, who should be enabled to get steady collect receivables, and on the other side the interest of the debtor, that need to get the opportunity for the revitalization in economic and social sense. EU guidelines try to closer this second part of the personal bankruptcy towards the insolvency law and for its realization they provide different preventive and curative proposals. At first it looks as if Slovenia with its regulation (especially with a possibility of debt forgiveness and continuance of operating within the process of personal bankruptcy) follows recommendations of European Commission and gives a new chance to those that found themselves in the process of personal bankruptcy. But practice on the other side however shows that the other part of Slovene legislation often works inhibitory towards these people and puts them into even more difficult positions. An obstacle in the practice can also be the nature and the procedure of the bankruptcy itself. This can primarily be seen in the longevity of the procedures, according to ZFPPIPP, as well as in issues of the rest of the economic legislation that particularly in practice operates discriminatory towards the subjects of personal bankruptcy (for example: Public Procurement Act). In my diploma thesis I shortly describe how personal bankruptcy is dealt with in foreign countries, at the end of the thesis I present possible guidelines for the future.
Keywords:Financial operations, insolvency proceedings and compulsory dissolution act, personal bankruptcy, policy of new opportunities, continuation of business, dismissal of obligations (liability)


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